Wedding Flowers: signs of the bride's bouquet

Wedding Flowers: signs of the bride's bouquet
 The wedding, which is quite an important stage in the life of a man surrounded by a fair amount of superstitions and omens. Not escaped this fate, and this attribute ceremony as the bride's bouquet. As is known, it can be used to find out which one of those present at the celebration of girls will soon marry.
 A small bouquet of round or teardrop-shaped by tradition the bride receives at the end of the ritual of redemption. The marriage was a success, in that moment, the only time the groom before the wedding may kiss the bride. About this omen remember, even if the church ceremony is replaced by the marriage registration in the registry office.

Certain traditions associated with the color and the number of flowers in a bouquet. Yellow petals in it are considered a symbol of separation, and daffodils and gladioli are associated with mourning. In Russia, the number of flowers in the bouquet to be happy, that is odd.

One of the many wedding will not directly related to the bouquet, but it should take into account in its design. It is believed that if the bride finger prick at a wedding, a quarrel in the new family are frequent. To avoid such troubles spiky flowers in a bouquet should cut the spikes.

That happiness is not flown away, the bride must not relinquish bouquet, groom presented. Considered acceptable for some time to pass to his mother or to put ourselves on the holiday table. In the Western tradition can hold a bouquet bridesmaid. In some cases, for a wedding dress can be located loop for fixing colors. Most often this way kept worn on the hand-clutch bouquets.

It is believed that the tradition according to which at the end of the wedding ceremony, the bride throws the bouquet towards guests, dates back to the XIV century European custom. Girl to marry, was considered lucky, but because a piece of her wedding suit could also bring happiness to those who managed to get him. In this situation, the idea to throw a bunch of guests could look like an act of self-defense, but the tradition has taken root. In Russia, often not throw the bouquet that the bride was from the groom, and prefab similar floral arrangement without portbuketnitse or other rigid substrate. It is believed that caught flowers girl will marry soon. If thrown bouquet fell to the floor, in the bride's family held another wedding.

Tags: color, bouquet, bride, tradition, custom, sign