Things to do at Christmas

Things to do at Christmas
 Svyatka for residents of Russia has long been associated with miracles, divination, festivals. Young people organize games, caroling, older people have tried it in a fun winter to make the most important decisions that could affect the life of the family. Now again revived ancient rites. Of course, fully comply with all that they have done during the Christmas holidays, our ancestors, will not be able even modern villagers not to mention citizen. But some traditions can remember.  
 In the old days was not accepted during the Christmas time to perform some serious work. And it is quite justified way of life: the harvest has long been assembled to spring work was still quite a lot of time, and the people allowed themselves some rest. However, sit back, too, was not accepted. Women are usually in the morning began to prepare a festive meal, and then sat down to needlework. Modern citizen can also afford it. Prepare a traditional dinner and then sit a little behind some enjoyable experience. You can sew anything, tie and even sit at the spinning wheel until cooked traditional Yule porridge.

You can arrange for their children and neighborhood festivities. Teach carols, folk songs and dances. If you have good relations with its neighbors, agreed that each would give the children some gift for Christmas carols. In the old days these days kids were a lot of time on the street, so why not revive the tradition is so useful?

Collecting children's company, arrange a ride with mountains, blind them with snow figures. By the way, before the snow often sculptured not Santa Claus, and Baba Yaga. Hill and you can pour themselves, and even quite high, so that adults can have fun. Of course, it is better not to do it the night before Christmas, and a little bit earlier. With skating were connected some omens. For example, who will sweep away and will not tip, in fact the whole year will be successful.

Organize feast. Over the Christmas table connected many will. The feast began on Christmas Eve, and every family put on the table an additional tool to treat the person who first come into the house. If it was a dark-haired man - it was thought that the family is waiting for happiness. With a woman were related less happy omens. Traditional dishes of the Christmas - kutia and stewed fruit, that is something like a compote of dried fruits. They were prepared every day, and after dinner residues left on the table to the souls of the dead ancestors, too, could eat and not get mad to live on. This tradition comes from pagan times.

At Christmas time people were particularly merciful. It was believed that he had filed a beggar alms will be rewarded handsomely. We had to take care of animals and birds. They also get an excellent meal. All this is available and the modern man. Make a bird feeder and hang it at the window or in a nearby park, and you can enjoy every day, as there the birds enjoy your treats.

Do not do these days is expensive gifts. If you want to please someone, give them a good trim loaf. Appropriate as candy, nuts, cookies of all varieties and species, buns. In the old guy these days he liked the girl gave a handkerchief, and her husband can buy a wife segments of the dress or apron.

Yuletide end of baptism. Festive table Epiphany evening was lean. Required dishes festive table - fruits and vegetables. They can be fresh, pickled, salted, boiled. Bake "crosses" - shaped cookies crosses. Make it a little more and give the neighbors' children and the elderly. Do not forget to congratulate the baptism of relatives and friends.

Most important, what must be remembered is the fact that at Christmas time people should not quarrel. Forbidden to use obscene words. Church considers it a sin, and the most godly phenomenon - peace in the family.

Tags: dish, yuletide, divination