Tablet or netbook?

Tablet or netbook?
 Technology does not stand still, and every year the media companies are the world a new, more powerful and at the same time very compact device for everyday work with information and access to the Internet. Among them the clear leader in convenience and mobility are using tablet computers and netbooks. However, inexperienced users begin to guess, which of these devices is better to buy. And here it should build on the tasks that you are going to use them to solve: have fun online, watch movies and listen to music or use for work (create documents, spreadsheets and process the image).
 If you are constantly on business trips and business trips, during which need to be constantly in touch with the office, get a lot of official letters, find information for speeches and presentations, feel free to choose a tablet. His undoubted advantages in this case are longer battery life, compact and easy - it does not take up much space in your bag and heavy with her.

In addition, if you suddenly just one of the conferences you need very quickly go online to check out any of the information, the tablet will also be faithful assistant, because on and download Internet applications you need, unlike a netbook, only a few seconds .

Display tablet - Touch that allows you to increase the page to take a closer look separate part of the window that opens and will show the students the necessary table or images quickly navigate between pages of your browser. However, it should be recognized that often the tablets do not support flash applications that are rich online resources than concede netbooks.

As for the world media, both devices are designed for viewing movies and photos, listen to music, playing games. Despite the fact that the picture on the screen of the tablet will look juicier, for this purpose it is better to choose a netbook: its operating system allows you to view movies in different formats (while on the tablet, you may be required to transfer movies in a special format). Netbook easier to edit images (especially if you're working with Adobe Photoshop), to work with the installation of audio and video files. In addition, the notebooks have a large amount of memory that will store the necessary information for a longer time. And, unlike the tablets, they can be connected to an external hard drive to copy files. By the way, the tablet is generally difficult to connect any peripheral device, whether it be a printer, or, say, the camera - you have to buy a separate cable and install additional software. 

Gamers probably will prefer the tablet - as a rule, many of them (for example, Apple iPad) is already established a large number of gaming applications, while to install them on a netbook requires a large amount of resources and time. And the amount of RAM netbook will not allow to play large-scale quests - they simply will not boot.

If you have to work to deal with text files, give preference to the netbook. Standard keyboard and the ability to connect a mouse will allow quicker to type and edit text, especially if they are large volumes. In the tablet has a virtual keyboard, but it is not so easy to use, because you will have to type with one hand - in the other, then you will keep your mini-computer.

Well, if you have small children or you do not want to disturb others while working on your computer, choose a tablet - a distinct advantage over its netbook is totally silent during operation.

And, of course, considerable importance is the price of a new mobile computing device. In the presence of very modest means to buy it is better to choose a netbook because it is much cheaper tablets, and the price for them every year falls. While prices for tablets are still fairly high, there are new, more sophisticated and more expensive models.

Tags: quality, work, computer, speed, netbook, tablet device, duration, multimedia