Selecting camera: what to look for

Selecting camera: what to look for
 There is hardly a camera that would fit to perform any task that is why before buying a camera it is worth considering the purposes for which it will be used and what requirements must match. Narrowing the range of these models, we can proceed with the evaluation of selected technical parameters.

The technical characteristics of the camera, which you should pay attention to is the physical size of the matrix and its resolution in megapixels. Information on resolution of the matrix tend to be found on the camera body and its multiples. Value, more precisely, the size of the diagonal of the matrix, which is given as a fractional number in vidikonovskih inches, is easy to find in the data sheet.

Camera with a large matrix size will give a better picture. However, on the size of the matrix is ​​not in the least depend on the size of the camera itself, why photographers who want to get high-quality image, we have to say goodbye to the idea of ​​a miniature camera.

It's worth noting that the two chambers with the same diagonal matrix will give a better image device with fewer megapixels.


When selecting chamber with replaceable optics should pay attention to the characteristics of the lens. Directly on the camera, you can see the lens focal length, or if the model has a function, range of focal lengths. The smaller the focal length, the greater the angle, which is able to reach the camera.

However, to compare the inscriptions on the body of the camera with the characteristics of a short lens is used for shooting panoramas or dinnofokusnogo lens, suitable for photographing small remote objects need to get the equivalent focal length, that is, multiply the focal length on the crop factor matrix. Fortunately, the list of characteristics of the camera you can find all of these parameters.

It is worth paying attention to the characteristics of the lens aperture. The smaller this value is, the clearer the picture and get the less it will chromatic aberration.

When you select a device with interchangeable lenses should pay attention to the availability of lenses suitable for the selected model, their price range and quality.


An important role in the choice of a particular model of camera can play its comfortable accommodation governments and their size. Should pay attention to what the function displayed on the quick access buttons, and that requires a long adjustment via the camera menu.

Additional factors

One of the arguments in favor of a particular camera model may be its compatibility with optional accessories. For example, if the camera is to be used for the filming of the video, it's worth checking whether the camera provides the ability to connect an external microphone. If the camera will be used for underwater filming, it makes sense to ensure availability of boxes suitable for the selected camera.

Tags: camera, note selection