Rules of conduct in an elevator

Rules of conduct in an elevator
 All modern houses are equipped with elevators. These technical devices provide not only comfort but also, unfortunately, cause legitimate concern for the residents of the houses. Most often occur in the elevators of rape and robbery.

When using the elevator woman should behave cautiously and be careful to prevent tragic situations. Elevator - a closed space, than successfully used by those seeking to exploit the desperate situation of the victim. At the entrance to the elevator not being trapped, women must abide by the following rules.

Already at the entrance to the staircase look around from side to side, if you do not pursue an unknown man.

If you are suspicious of any stranger, no need to go into the entrance, do not rush, take a walk around the yard, near to the entrance. Do not hesitate to be too hypochondriac, any normal person would approve your behavior.

If you still can not decide to open the front door, use a cell phone to call relatives and ask them to meet you at the bottom.

When approaching the elevator did not hurry to go into it and be sure to look around. If the elevator with you a stranger sits down, better skip it, you can get up later, or take the stairs.

If you in the cabin sits unfamiliar suspicious man, better get out of it, and if it can be done, click on the nearest floor.

If you lose your guard, and the stranger tried to attack you, you have the right to defend themselves. What to do in this case?

Do not panic and depending on the scenario, select the most appropriate style of behavior.

In the case of a robbery attempt or threat of a weapon better rasstantes their values ​​than health or even life.

If violence or robbery happened yet, please be contact forces and the police. This must be done to prevent the offender to deal calmly with the other victims. Do not be ashamed of what happened. If necessary, seek psychological help.

Tags: behavior, use of the elevator