Rock garden on your site

Rock garden on your site
 Rockery called part of the garden, prepared for the cultivation of mountain plants. Despite the fact that the creation of the area simulate mountain scenery is a challenge, a way to design the gardens is quite popular. There are several types of rock gardens, which differ in the details of design.
 Types of rock gardens

Depending on the topography of the site to equip a rock garden can simulate a mountain valley or ravine slope. From the corner of the garden will smooth mountain valley or lawn. In the design of this type of rock garden used large stones, two-thirds submerged in the ground, ground cover and cereals. Complement composition of low creeping shrubs and permitting plot size, stony paths laid in random order.

Rocky cliff sometimes imitated on a flat plot as a separate element of design. The basis of this rock garden stones are large in size, supplemented by conifers, a small amount of cereals, wormwood and succulents.

On a site with a natural slope is simulated mountain slope or rock gorge. The design uses large rocks and stunted conifers, complemented by ground cover.

Some types of rock garden presuppose the existence of a natural or artificial reservoir. In areas with wet soil or ravines simulates swamp. This rock garden is decorated with boulders dug into the ground by two-thirds around the pond, and moisture-loving plants.

The device rock garden

The device starts with the rock garden layout of the site and soil preparation. During the preparation of the soil layer is removed and a rock garden is laid for the future drainage thickness of about twenty centimeters. In the soil mixture is added to the rock garden peat and coarse sand.

In the design of the rock garden use large pieces of travertine, limestone or shale. Stones are placed in groups with vertical joints. The first set are the largest pieces of rock, which deepened into the ground at a third or a quarter of the height for greater stability. Following the large fit smaller stones.

Spring in the rock garden plants are planted, with the observance of the same order as in the laying of stones. First of all, large plants are planted, is the center of the composition, followed by a low-growing species are planted. The soil around the plants is sprinkled with mulch of small pebbles.

Caring for rock garden

Basic care for the rock garden is watering the plants and removing weeds. In the autumn the soil planted bulbs and cut as dry stalks. As a rule, rock gardens for winter cover fallen leaves, and plants, carrying bad cold, additionally harbor film. Covering material is fixed with the help of the grid.

Tags: section, the hand, the device rock garden