Pocket dog is the smallest breed

Pocket dog is the smallest breed
 Dogs - one of the most popular and beloved pets around the world. There are currently displayed many different species, which differ from each other by color, size, shape of the skull, the structure of the body, temperament, and many other factors. Recently the increasing popularity acquire the smallest dogs, pocket rocks.
 Small dogs easily accustomed to the tray, plus they are very clean, but the long-haired breeds require special care: regular brushing and even haircuts. Small dogs are incredibly fond of communication, so stay alone in a locked apartment they do not like. But, thanks to its small size, they can easily take a walk with the hostess, for example, on her hands and looking out of her handbag.

These breeds of dogs are extremely popular with celebrities, which significantly affects the cost. However, buying a puppy toy breeds, you gain a true friend, a companion and a friend, as a mini-dogs love to chat with their owners. They do not lose their enthusiasm, even becoming elderly. "Little dog puppy to old age" - it's about them.

And they are very loyal defenders! Yes, it's not a joke, even the smallest and glamorous doggie bravely rush into battle, if his master would be in danger!

The most popular pocket rocks are now: pug, Yorkshire Terrier, Pomeranian, Toy Terrier, Toy Poodle, Chinese Crested Dog, Japanese Chin and Chihuahua.

In ancient times, pugs were only available to families of noble birth, and now they are the favorites of many families. Pugs reach a weight of 8 kg and 30-35 centimeters in height. These fun dog get along well with children, they are fun, sport and not run away or play. Outbreaks of aggression they are extremely rare for this to happen, the dog must either scared to death, or it must be long and hard to anger.

Yorkshire Terriers do not exceed the weight 3, 5 kg. Their coat composition and structure similar to human hair, so Yorkies do not shed, and from excess wool they get rid of combing, so this breed is the first in line at the grooming centers, special beauty salons for animals. Despite its small size, these animals are very hardy, brave and curious, and still they are very sensitive, they perfectly capture the mood of the person and can be a long talk with his master.

One of the oldest European breeds Spitz is. In ancient times they were working dogs, they wound up mostly poor. While Spitz were much more modern, 15-17 pounds. Then this breed noticed Queen Victoria, a great lover of dogs, and her orders were led Spitz size 5-7 pounds. In England, the breed has long perfected until modern Spitz brought up to 3, 5 kilograms. These dogs are very unpretentious, clever and endlessly loyal.

Chihuahuas are the smallest dog in the world, adult weight from 600 grams to 3 kilograms, often 1-1, 5 kg. Dogs of this breed are as smooth coat, and long-haired. Chihuahua bad trainable, but with some effort it is possible. But the training of such a breed is not required, but for the daily value them enough movement of the time that they run on the flat or jumping around the owner, and they do it all the time. If chihuahua from birth is not accustomed to the fact that the owner - the main, these little creatures can grow stubborn and moody, but still endlessly in love with you.

Toy Poodle - a little French lapdog. Their growth is not above 25-28 centimeters. Wool they have thick, curly and soft, because of this they are similar to plush toys. Toy poodles get along fine with both adults and children, they are active, mobile, support any game. Dogs of this breed is very affectionate and kind, they are sure to become an honorary member of their family.

Japanese Chin, who is sometimes called the Japanese Spaniel, is a small (1, 8, 3, 5 kg), but very graceful and unusual dog. Hina love to talk, it's like a purring cat and the murmur of water at the same time, it is important that they listen and respond, he would be happy to sing along to any song to his master. They like to dance around a man on his hind legs, pawing front paws in greeting. In ancient Japan, it was believed that stroking hina, you can normalize your biofield energy, cure headaches and even depression.

Tags: dog breed, small dog