History of occurrence Christmas cards

History of occurrence Christmas cards
 It seems that the tradition of giving each other cards for the new year has always existed. But this little greeting card has come a long way of development, before becoming such as we see it now.  
 History of occurrence Christmas cards began with the advent of Christianity, as tradition has come to celebrate Christmas. The first images were Christian motifs. Engravings were very expensive and sold by priests and pilgrims. Over time, these pictures began to draw other images. These cards have started to use as invitations for any occasion.

The tradition is to give each other cards appeared in England. In 1794, the English artist Dobson drew first Christmas card and handed it to the recipient personally. The first greeting card was mailed in 1843 by Henry Cole. From that moment began active dissemination of Christmas cards.

England tradition moved quickly and spread to Russia. At the pre-revolutionary Christmas cards often portrayed Russian winter nature house covered with snow, etc. Many famous artists have participated in the creation of the first Christmas cards: A. Benois, L. Bakst, Makovsky and Roerich.

In one version of the creator of the first Christmas cards in Russia in 1901 was Nikolai Karazin. Other historians believe that the right to be the father of this card belongs to the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts librarian Fedor Berenshtamu.

When making Christmas cards paid much attention to their style. For example, in the manufacture of cards that were given to individuals applying embossing, silver or gold design crumbs. A business card meant simple, austere style.

After the revolution, the Soviet authorities tried to extract from the lives of people all that is connected with religion, so the development of Christmas cards stopped. Since people do not want to abandon the winter holidays, new year back, but without any Christmas motifs. Christmas card has become a way of propaganda.

At this time, no longer be depicted on postcards champagne, even empty glasses. A Santa Claus has replaced the traditional three on a space rocket, as it was a time of space exploration.

After World War II many Christmas card appeared similar inscription: "New Year's greetings to the Heroic Defenders of the Motherland." A new heroes images become portraits of those with whom I ought to take an example: Schors, Chapaev, Kotovskij etc.

Over time, in different countries had their own national traditions. For example, in Japan, before the new year decided to give cards with the image of an animal that is on the eastern horoscope matches this year. This custom has taken over and Russia. And in Austria for Christmas card depicted a symbol of happiness: four-leaf clover, a pig and a chimney sweep. Impresses with its collection of Christmas cards the number of Canadian Bout who is in the Guinness World Record - 205 120 copies.

Gradually add new styles, ways of registration Christmas cards - there are voluminous, music. They are not only available in print shops, publishers, and made by hand, complemented by a variety of decor. A service designers designers to design and manufacture of exclusive Christmas cards are becoming more popular.

Tags: card, the history, the emergence of