Heavy nature can fix!

Heavy nature can fix!
 When people talk about a difficult character, usually mean increased demands on themselves and others, perseverance, bordering on overbearing, short temper, resentment, rancor and some other qualities. All this creates problems in communication. Difficult character can be corrected, but it is a lengthy process.  
 Try to look at their behavior from the outside. Imagine how other people relate to one or another of your manifestations. The fact that each trait has its pros and cons, and it is necessary to calculate what more. Maybe it is in your case is dominated by positive moments. Make a list of qualities that you want to change. Very useful to make a plate of three columns. In the first write character traits in the second and third - good and bad moments, in which the "guilty" or that quality. For example, persistence may scare friends, but it allows us to achieve success in their work or studies. Your temper offends home, but you will not think twice if you are attacked, and immediately give rebuff. Leave the list only those qualities, which are exclusively opposite cons.

The biggest protests surrounding the exorbitant demands usually causes the person to another. Evaluate how you allow yourself to be late or can not fulfill promises. If you are very sharp and accurate in relation to other people, you basically can claim the same attitude and to themselves. But do not forget that people are different, and what seems important to you, for your friends can be an afterthought. Learn to treat yourself more severely than others. Not really expect that everything will always do what you have promised. If your careless friend do for you something about it, because of its nature was forgotten immediately after the conversation, consider it a pleasant surprise and do not forget to thank her.

Decide what flaws you are able to forgive others, and which are unacceptable to you. Do not attempt to re-educate anyone. Accept people as they are, or discontinue the relationship.

If most of the problems you deliver your temper, try to overcome it by using simple techniques. When you want to immediately retort to someone else's words, count mentally at least ten. During this time you will have time to change your mind. If you feel that you will break during a telephone conversation, stop the conversation and say call back later. Make coffee, drink and think about whether you have troubled words of the interlocutor.

Learn to not be offended. If some action interlocutor hurt you, think about whether he really wanted to hurt you. Man had committed no treachery, can and should be forgiven, even if he did something that you do not like. Think about why it was necessary for him, try to understand the motives of his conduct.

Do not impose your advice to anyone, even if you think you know something better than others. Pressure on your part, many will protest, including in cases where you sincerely want someone good. Can you suggest something, but do not insist on the fact that the person acted in full compliance with your recommendations.

Do not expect instant results. Decide - that's not all. Maybe you need a few months or even years to ensure that change its character. But if you really want it, you will certainly succeed.

Tags: character, change, self-education