Gifts for ruby ​​wedding

Gifts for ruby ​​wedding
 Ruby wedding called the 40th anniversary of married life. This is a very significant date for the husband and wife. They worked hard and a lot of children have long grown grandchildren graduate school. Naturally, the families and friends of the couple wants to make it in this day worthy gifts.
 One of the gifts for the wedding should be ruby ​​jewelry, crafts with rubies. Natural rubies are very expensive, so in the vast majority of these ornaments are artificial stones. But this gift will not become less important - the main thing that he was presented with a sincere love and respect. Woman willingly wear ruby ​​earrings, rings, pendants, necklace. A man, respectively, will be very happy cigarette cases, tie clip or some souvenirs, decorated these beautiful stones.

Can be present and other gifts, as long as they were rich maroon, simulating color ruby. For example, a bottle of expensive vintage red wine - a great tribute to this date! Well, if you allow the financial capabilities give these 40 bottles at once, it will be just fine. You can make a gift in clubbing. Bringing a generous gift, it would be good to say farewell about this: "We wish you, that you uncork one bottle every year on the day of your wedding, and drank them all, together with your children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren! ".

A woman can also give jacket, shawl dark cherry color, and man - sweater, pullover. Will be a good gift segments red, bright red or maroon matter, festive tablecloth same colors. And, of course, can not forget about the flowers. A lush bouquet of scarlet roses dark will come in handy. Suit and dahlias, gladioli same colors.

Very touched by the couple, celebrating ruby ​​wedding, warm greetings from favorite grandchild. It should issue, for example, a folder with maroon cover, solemnly read out the text written inside and give grandparents.

Well, if the heroes of the day is very like to play on his summer cottage, they will surely be happy to give a gift of tulip bulbs and dahlia red and purple colors, and in addition to them plastic buckets, basins of the same colors.

In addition, it is possible, choosing gifts, to focus on the number 40. For example, if a man loves to read - give him 40 books favorite topics. This gift is also possible to make a purse. If a woman loves to embroider beads - gave her 40 bags with colorful beads. In short, get to work your imagination!

Tags: wedding, gift, life