Food, steamed

Food, steamed
 Food, steamed, is the most valuable and useful, it retains all the vitamins and minerals. When cooking vegetables lose vitamins half, while steaming - only a quarter. Besides, the guy vegetables retain natural color, shape and look very bright, tasty and appetizing.

The first plus steaming - no oil and broth, so the food does not lose minerals and vitamins that dissolve easily in water. At the same time the food does not come into contact with the air and retains its shape and its entire structure intact. You should know that cooking vegetables in a double boiler, they must be of the highest quality. Since spoiled vegetables when cooking acquire an unpleasant taste and smell.

Time to prepare healthy, delicious food steam spent quite a bit, thanks to a new modern kitchen appliances such as microwave or double boiler. In these devices, you can cook multiple foods at the same time need not fear that the mixed flavors.

The very process of cooking for a couple does not require constant supervision, no need to turn and stir constantly, because food can not burn on and cook evenly. A steam, unlike oil and fat, not deposited on the plate and the cooking utensil and the fat does not create films on the surface of the furniture.

With regular use of steamed dishes improves the condition of hair and nails, skin tone rises and strengthens the immune system. Besides all this, the steam power is the prevention of cardiovascular disease for older people. Kids really like steam food, as they have not been able to get used to the heavy and oily food. Under stress, lack of sleep and increased physical activity steam power will provide your body with vitamins and help to survive a difficult period in your life without compromising health.

If your home does not have a double boiler, it can easily be done using a normal kitchen utensils. Take a deep pan, pour on the bottom of a small amount of water. Sieve over a saucepan place where you want to put products for cooking and cover tightly.

Dishes, steamed, easily absorbed by the body, do not give the feeling of heaviness in the stomach and contribute to the preservation of youth and beauty. They contain no calories and cholesterol that can clog our vessels. Of the dietary food is food, steamed.

Tags: dish, food, steam, vegetable, food