Fighting Internet addiction

Fighting Internet addiction
 The Internet has become in our lives. A few years ago, not everyone could afford to plug it in, then today many people do not represent life without the Internet. Here you can find information, learn the latest news, find a job, make new friends, meet with your partner.

There are several types of Internet addiction: Virtual dating and cyber-sex, games, web-surfing, trade on the stock exchange, shopping in online stores, etc. Many people are so much addicted to the Internet because here they can be anything, ie complete anonymity allows behave as a man might not would have behaved in real life.

It would seem that here such that a person sitting in a network. All would be nothing if it were not for the negative aspects of such dependence. Firstly, fewer people paying time around and people close to him. Because of virtual communication can lose real people, to destroy the family.

Secondly, people are dependent on the Internet, often sit on various sites at the expense of the work that may ultimately lead to dismissal, and thus to a deterioration of the material conditions and even problems in the family (again).

Third, these people spend a lot of time online. They often sit out on the Internet, even at night. And this can not but affect the physical condition: there are sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, weakened immunity in general. Furthermore, a sedentary lifestyle is harmful to the musculoskeletal system, the spine. If you long to sit in front of the monitor, you can quickly put himself eyesight.

If Internet addiction is not very strong, you can try to switch attention to something else. Communicate more with real friends, get a pet, which will be necessary for care, find out craze.

You can try to solve the problem of radical method: block all websites you visit. But not the fact that it will give the desired result. Firstly, now a lot of different internet cafes where you can sit quietly on the Internet for a modest fee. Secondly, one must have a very strong will not to unblock websites back. Unfortunately, few of dependent people has the desired character and willpower.

But if the home can not cope, it is necessary to consult a doctor who will help solve this problem.

To date, developed two methods to combat Internet addiction. In the first case, the psychological sessions, in which the doctor is trying to find out the reason that the person running away from reality. And accordingly, trying to eliminate this cause.

The second method consists in taking drugs. It may be antidepressants, antianxiety agents, and others. Of course, this method is used in conjunction with psychotherapy in the most difficult cases where the relationship is too strong. Some people require treatment in specialized clinics. Depending on how much the impact of the Internet on the human, the treatment can last from one month or more.

Whichever method of treatment may have been used, the main thing - it is the patient's desire to get rid of dependence and the presence of a number of friends and relatives of people who can support him in a difficult moment.

Tags: Internet problem, addiction treatment, the fight