Dive into the hole?

Dive into the hole?
 Among the "walruses" - fans of winter swimming is often possible to meet people looking and feeling much younger and healthier than their peers. This is not surprising, because the extreme cold bathing train absolutely all body systems. But it provided that you have come to the matter competently and prepare yourself for this bathing.
 Physicians who watched amateur ice baths, stated that during the procedure the blood ejected anti-stress hormones, invigorating blood vessels, strengthens immunity. The study also showed that people who started "morzhevat" within a year or two reduced or completely lost some diseases, five times decreased the frequency of colds, increased muscle strength and resistance to the influence of various adverse climatic conditions.

If you are completely cured disease and wanted to get rid of them, and just improve the quality of life through the winter swimming, the first thing to do - pay a visit to the doctor. Only he can determine whether you have any contraindications to ice swimming. Among contraindications in particular appear kidney disease, diabetes, gynecological problems, pregnancy, and others.

If the doctor gave the go-ahead, then you can proceed. And one should start with the equipment. Bathing pick clothes that would be easy to unbutton and buttoned. Undress and dress in the cold needed rapidly. It is important that you had a special cap and mat, not giving freeze feet when you walk out of the hole.

Choose the first bathing day, when the weather outside is no snow, and frost are not below -10 degrees. Do not dive into the hole hungry, but also full of the blade to the stomach that also should not do. Ideally, you want to eat for an hour and a half before the procedure.

Before diving into the water you should be well warmed up. Run around the hole, poprisedayte, take a few swings his arms and legs, and only then enter the water. Moreover, the need to go slowly, choosing a pace at which you do not have time to freeze and plunging too slowly and not be subjected to excessive stress vessels, jumping smash into ice water.

For beginners, the residence time in the hole should not exceed 5-20 seconds. And in any case not to dip his head. After bathing, you need as quickly as possible to cross into the locker room, wipe dry and easy to do self-massage, then quickly dressed.

Now, with regard to the frequency. Epiphany bathing - it is rather a tribute to the old tradition, a kind of excuse to have a good time, rather than procedure, bearing the health benefit. If you want to hardening really have a lasting effect, it is necessary that the procedures have become systematic.

It is necessary for several months or even years to bathe in the hole, and to do it as much as possible every day, gradually increasing the duration of the procedure. The only way you can achieve the full effect of the ice bath.

Tags: hardening, swimming, hole, walrus, winter swimming