6 ways to ennoble country site

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 Refinement suburban area - it is no less responsible than the construction of a house. After all, every detail of the interior areas should be combined with the style of the house and the other elements of improvement. Only in this case, to live in a home will be comfortable.
 There are several ways to make the area around the house, attractive and well-groomed. But for good planning everything necessary to consider several factors: characteristics of relief, soil, climate. You also need to decide how you want to see the area. You can save the original natural beauty, only a few of its ennobling, and can radically change the original appearance of the site.

Of course, it is best to contact the experts of landscape design. They see the place and offer you a few projects. But you can try to do everything yourself. After contemplating to create something with your own hands is much nicer.

Ennoble the territory, you can create a beautiful lawn. It can perform both aesthetic and practical functions. Regular - you can walk without fear trampled. It consists of a hard hardy grasses. Ornamental lawns are divided on the ground, meadow, Moorish. They are created in order to be pleasing to the eye, and are not intended for circulation. To any lawn looked great, it needs to be watered regularly, cut as needed.

If you allow the landscape, you can create your Alps. For example, if the site is located on a slope, or on its territory there gully. Zadekoriruyte its boulders of various sizes, plant gnarled mountain pines and other plants. See that the lack of plot turns into a fascinating spectacle.

Also hide flaws can build a rock garden. Boulders and cobbles better to take different shapes and sizes. When you create a garden note that it must be combined with other elements of the landscape: Decorating the house, plants, bushes. Good to have him lighting. The composition is pleasing to the eye at any time, day or night, and because of this will have a finished look.

Alpine garden and decorate your vacation site. In addition, with the help of you can hide it from the eyes of a cellar or a compost pit. It is created from stones between which put undemanding plants. Pick them so that they bloom in turn, according to the principle of eternal spring. Stones and flowers should be combined in color. For example, yellow stonecrop harmony with the gray stone and the bell with gray-brown granite.

To blend plot, laying out a beautiful track. They can be made of any material: cut down a tree, stones, tiles, broken glass with a mixture of concrete, mosaics and much more. They can perform as a practical function, as well as decorative.

Pond on the site always attracts attention. Dig a pond or small lake. Give it the desired shape. On the shore lay stones and plant moisture-loving plants. The easiest way to buy a gardening store plastic pond and dig it into the ground. But it offers a certain shape and small size of the vessel. If you would like to outline the coast was unusual, scoop the desired configuration, make the film a pond. How to elevate your site, decide for yourself, you only apply a bit of ingenuity.

Tags: land, pond, water slide, garden, fashion, stone