Why drink coffee with water?

Why drink coffee with water?
 Coffee ... Who is not familiar with this marvelous drink? The first mention of it belong to the XV century. People guessed eat wild fruit of the coffee tree in Kaffa (modern Ethiopia). For many centuries the grain of the wood just chewed, and only in the ancient Arab-Muslim culture took on the form of coffee hot drink. And the name of the village was assigned to the drink and it became international.

Caffeine beans, has an invigorating effect. For a short time coffee stimulates the metabolism, responsiveness, sharpens the memory and improves performance.

It is invigorating properties of coffee make this drink so relevant in the early afternoon. A cup of coffee will decorate any morning! But how to drink coffee?

In many cultures, strong coffee served with a glass of water. Incidentally, in such a way to drink coffee first began Greeks, Turks later only borrowed tradition. This is probably due to the hot climate of Greece, where it is assumed drink water any dish meal. However, few people imagine "Turkish coffee" without a glass of cold boiled water.

However, even in modern Greece and Turkey, not everyone is drinking strong coffee, washing it down with cool water, on the one hand. On the other hand, cool boiled water now serves not only to the traditional Turkish coffee.

For what water is supplied to the coffee? It is believed that a drink of water after a sip of hot strong coffee allows you to remove the bitterness of the drink and fully enjoy its taste. Also, a sip of water thus relieving pressure on the heart, especially on a hot day, and keep teeth white.

Water should be drunk in small sips, without diluting the coffee with cold water and chugging a glass.
Our tips will allow you to fully enjoy the taste and aroma of coffee.

Tags: water, COF