What kind of flowers to plant in the country

What kind of flowers to plant in the country
 Cottage - is not only work in the garden or garden, but rest. Therefore, almost none suburban area is complete without the flower beds. Flowers delight the eye and create a good mood. Good mood, you can give yourself the whole season summer work landed flowers that will delight you from early spring to late fall and bloom, one after another.  

The earliest blooming tulips and daffodils. This unpretentious flowers that are planted bulbs before winter and sheltering leaves or straw. As soon as the snow melts and prigreet sun, they immediately go to the growth, since preparing for this all winter long.

To replace them bloom daisies, poppies, irises, peonies, roses. All colors can be successfully grown on a flowerbed. It is only necessary in time to cut off changing to a plant, and will be replaced by new flowers blossom. Roses bloom in early July and continue to bloom until the frost sustainable. Most like to garden shrub rose, unpretentious care.

On a separate flowerbed can be planted phlox, rudbeckia, asters, gladioli, daisy, hydrangea. And me-nots, Snapdragon, everlasting. These flowers bloom almost all summer, require minimal maintenance in the form of timely weeding and watering.

Along the edges of the site can be planted prairie grass that look great and create a special mood. For this fit feather grass, cereals, hair grass, manna. If the middle of the grass plant mallow, bells, cornflowers, lavender, chamomile, spurge, they will be allocated blooming spots throughout the site.

Near the tracks can be made continuous flowering beds. To do this, select colors for groups. In the beds of continuous flowering can be planted crocus, Galanthus, Scylla, muscarine, followed by a series of daffodils, hyacinths, tulips. Next should go phlox, primrose, sedum, daisies. Behind them can be planted in a row lily, iris, peonies, Astilbe. In the last row of autumn flowers are planted - it dahlias, rudbeckia, crocus, chrysanthemum.

For the first time such an abundance of flowers to plant very difficult. But over time, when it's experience in the cultivation of flowers and flower gardens creating a continuous flowering, summer cottage is literally buried in flowers all summer.

Tags: plot, flowers, garden, flower bed, cottage, garden, spring, variety, flower garden