Toys with their own hands for the New Year

Toys with their own hands for the New Year
 New Year - a magical holiday for all people, young and old. On this night, all make a wish and believe that they come to life, because otherwise it can not be. The main steps to create a festive mood is fluffy Christmas tree decoration. And what could be better than toys made with their own hands, which stores your warmth and made with love.
 Creating homemade Christmas toys - fun not only for children but also for adults. For the first it is laborious, but fun class, which develops concentration, imagination, creative thinking, for the second - a pastime with your child and you can save. Any useful skill: gluing figures out of colored paper, origami, beading, knitting, embroidery, sewing, modeling clay and dough made of colored, cooking (cookie-shapes that then you can eat) and so on.

Christmas decorations can give at this than the original idea, the more fun will bring a gift made with their own hands. This idea is better that Handstitched gift - the proof of your love. For its production requires time and attention, which, in the end, and you are giving someone, but it's worth it.

"Japanese lantern"

This simple Christmas tree toy can be made in a large number of different colors of paper. Cut the paper into rectangles the size of 8x5 cm, if you want to make the flashlight more, then multiply the two numbers on the same number to keep the proportions. Fold the rectangle in half lengthwise. From the fold side notch before reaching the end of about 1 cm. Then expand the rectangle, roll it into a cylinder on the wide side, glue or sew on extreme strips. Press lightly on top of that made by strip. Take a piece of string or thin colored ribbon and glue the ends to the top of the lantern to crafts can be hung on the Christmas tree. You can insert a flashlight inside the cylinder of paper of a different color with a slightly smaller diameter.


Take a matchbox, obkleyte colored paper, tie a bright ribbon, which tie in a bow, bow to the center sew rope or thick thread.


Of colored paper (or thick fabric) dark green cut some four Christmas trees. Fold them in half and glue (sew) in half along the line from the wrong side. Accordingly, the second half of the fourth Christmas trees will be glued to the first half first. To sew the top of a ribbon or string. You can decorate the Christmas tree toys: cut colorful shapes (circles, triangles, squares) of different colors and stick to the Christmas tree.

"Knitted apple"

Take the yarn remnants of red and brown colors, needles №3. The basic pattern apple - and the front surface of garter stitch. Dial red yarn 12 loops, knit backing a number in the next row vyvyazhite of each loop of the previous row 2 sts. Number 3 - a backing, a 4 row 1 face knit loop from the following - 2 loops back face loop, loop 2 and so on. Knit 15 rows stitch the front, in the following (20), a number of facial knit 2 loop, 2 loops together at the end - 27 loops. 21 series - backing, 22 row - knit 1 front loop, 2 loops together, and so on until the end, total - 18 loops. 23 series - backing in a number of 24 - every two loops together, total - 9 loops. Pull the thread through the loop Pull tight and secure. Fold the fabric on the wrong side, sew the ends of the rows, then turn out on the front side, tamp wool. Dial on the top of the loop, the thread through the loop, pull the tight and secure.
Separately tie the stalks. To do this, type the brown yarn loops 6, knit stitch the front two rows, close the loop. Sew along the long side of the seamy side, turn to the right side, sew the ends. Sew to the apple, and the thread through all miss the apple to the ground and pull to give apple flattened appearance. Secure and cut the thread.

Tags: hand, year, new toy