Recipes low calorie cakes

Recipes low calorie cakes
 How to reconcile the irreconcilable: diet and cake? Only one way out - a low-calorie cakes. This notion is very conditional. These are low-calorie cakes only against the background of conventional culinary masterpieces. In crispbread and salad calories less, but on a festive table they do not deliver. So we have to cook a cake with reduced calories. These cakes are primarily yogurt and cottage cheese souffle cakes.

First, we define a test. Yogurt yogurt, but the word "cake" the vast majority of people imagine a kind of flour products. The lowest amount of calories contained in the dry biscuit.
You will need: 1 cup flour, 8 eggs, 1 cup sugar. Separate the yolks from the whites. Whisk the egg yolks with a whisk half of the sugar and set aside. Then whisk the egg whites. When whipping, gradually add sugar. To better whipped whites, refrigerate them before use. Make sure that in proteins has not got no fat, in which case you can not beat them in a solid foam.

Once you whipped protein is gradually added into the flour weight and egg yolks and sugar. Gently mix. On a baking sheet, lay baking paper and pour it on the resulting mass. Place in preheated oven and bake at a temperature of + 180 degrees for about 30 minutes. Leave the cake to cool in the oven.

Now take a split form. From the cooled biscuit cut a circle the size just like the bottom of the form. This is the foundation for the future of the cake. Collect form, place a biscuit inside. In principle, the filling can now be laid. If you have another biscuit, can form the sides of the scraps of the future of the cake. Place the biscuit pieces vertically along the walls of the mold. You should have something like a biscuit boxes, tightly laid in split form. If you do not like a dry sponge, and would prefer that the cake was rich, at this stage, you can soak the cake with something tasty. Impregnation options:

- Sweet tea with a teaspoon of brandy;
- Compote;
- Sweet strong coffee.

Prepare the filling for a pie. It's very simple. For the preparation of the simple fillings you need only 1 liter of yogurt and sweet 50 - 60 grams of gelatin. Dissolve gelatin in cold water, then warm, not boiling. Take a little less water than indicated in the instructions on the package. Pour the yogurt into a bowl, then add to the same diluted gelatin. Filler cake is ready.

Another option filler slightly more calories and difficult to prepare, but interesting taste. Prepare cottage cheese souffle. To do this, take 800 grams of fresh cheese and rub it through a sieve. Add a cup of sugar and 0, 5 liters of sour cream. Whisk all in a blender. Add to this mixture dissolved gelatin. Done!

Already, you can pour the curd or yoghurt mass in cooked form with biscuit and place in refrigerator to harden. You will have a very simple cake. That is to say, a training option. But if you want to surprise your guests have something to complement the filling. When gelatin starts to set, add any chopped fruit and berries: raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, stoned cherries, chopped apricots, peaches or bananas, peeled tangerine slices ... Plenty of room for imagination is unlimited! Moreover, the fruits may be not only fresh, but canned. In this case, from the syrup of canned peaches can be used for impregnating the cake. In addition to the fruit filling can put the pieces of colored marmalade.

Once you put the cake in the refrigerator to harden, it's time to think about decorating. To do this, use fruits and jellies. The algorithm is the same action. Dissolve gelatin, mix it with fruit syrup or compote or juice, give a little grab and gently pour onto the surface of a frozen cake. Before that decorate the top of the cake slices or pieces of fruit marmalade. Again put the cake in the fridge, now before the final solidification.

There are many recipes for cakes. The main thing is to understand the basic principle of the creation of low-calorie cakes, work out with simple ingredients, and you can create a variety of options of exquisite delicacy, without looking at a cookbook.

Tags: weight, cupcake, cake, pastry, fruit souffle, gelatin, berry, cake, recipe