Original snacks festive table

Original snacks festive table
 In recent years, with the improvement of the financial position and a significant increase in eating places, a growing number of celebrations we carry in restaurants and cafes. It turned out that it is very convenient! Menu, service, time - all agreed in advance in a relaxed atmosphere. In celebration can only come and relax. What is the surprise guests accustomed to the restaurant delights if you plan a holiday home? As the original snacks make hot sandwiches and cheesy "kebab".

Despite the name, this file can be cold sandwiches. To prepare them in advance, you will free yourself time to prepare those dishes that the arrival of guests must be hot.

You will need a baguette, sausage cooked without fat (can substitute cooked chicken slices), onion, tomato. For ease of preparation and aesthetics sandwich, these products must be approximately the same diameter. Still need mayonnaise and cheese.

So, baguette cut into slices usual sandwich thickness. Sausage, onion and tomato slice into thin circles. Grate cheese.

Take a piece of baguette, thinly lubricate it with mayonnaise. Top with sausage on it - circle onion, onion - tomato. Sprinkle tomatoes with grated cheese.

Put the sandwiches on a baking sheet, place in oven at 180 degrees and bake until melted cheese and the appearance of a beautiful golden brown.

Sandwiches are ready! Fragrant smell in the kitchen to gather your loved ones before the holiday. Enjoy socializing with family and delicious sandwiches!

Can be prepared in advance and original cheese "kebab". Take the string on and toothpicks are cubes (1 * 1 5 5 cm) 2-3 cheese varieties. Meanwhile, place the cubes of cheese on a toothpick olives, pitted. Toothpicks with "barbecue" slide in half an apple. Original and quickly you diversify a snack table! Bon Appetite!

Tags: house, holiday, table, cheese, sandwich, grade, hot, snack