How to cook mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms

How to cook mushroom soup made from frozen mushrooms
 Mushrooms - a source of useful elements and delicious base for dishes. Is it possible to cook a delicious soup frozen mushrooms? If you think this is unlikely, then you are deeply mistaken. Cooking soup from frozen mushrooms.

For this delicious dish we need:
• 500 g frozen mushrooms (preferably crushed)
• 300-350 ml of 25% -x cream
• 2 white dried mushrooms,
• 3 tablespoons flour
• 2 tablespoons butter,
• 2 tablespoons olive oil
• 1 clove garlic,
• Pinch of thyme,
• Salt and pepper to taste.

First we need to be thawed and thoroughly wash the mushrooms. Select and set aside three largest and most beautiful of the fungus, they will be useful later. Next, separate the legs and cut them into large cubes. Place legs in a pan and pour 1, 5 liters of cold water. There also add a clove of garlic (unpeeled!) And half the thyme harvested. You must bring to the boil and simmer for 30 minutes.

At this time, chop the remaining cap mushrooms into thin slices. In high frying pan, heat a third of olive oil and place cut cap, season with salt and cover. Within 5 minutes, cook on high heat shaking the pan. After open the cover - in a frying pan should be formed mushroom juice, it must be drained into the pan to preparing legs. Add the remaining olive oil and cook, stirring occasionally, for 10 minutes.

For 7-10 minutes before end of cooking legs, remove from the pan and add the garlic clove finished hats. Mould and cool 1 cup broth. Cook a little longer until the mushrooms, melt the butter in a small saucepan, add the flour and cook there, stirring, for 4-5 minutes. After that, pour a thin stream of broth, without forgetting all the while stirring to avoid lumps. Cook for 7-10 minutes.

Soup and filling out a skillet, pour into a blender, whisk until smooth and return to the pot. Bring to a boil and add the cream. After warm up, do not boil and remove from heat.

Before serving, grind dried porcini mushrooms into a powder and mix with the second half of thyme. 3 remaining mushroom cut into thin slices. Ladle the soup into warmed plates in advance. In the center of each serving Put a few slices of mushrooms and sprinkle with powder white mushrooms and thyme. Serve hot.

Bon Appetite!

Tags: dish, cream, mushroom soup, mushrooms, recipe, cooking