Dietary chicken soup

Dietary chicken soup
 To cook the chicken soup diet, you will need to visit a lot of shops and markets to choose more or less lean poultry. If this option is not satisfied, buy chicken at the local supermarket and try to cut away all the fat.

Many would agree, albeit reluctantly, that chicken skin - it's too delicious to behold so easily part with it. Be firm, no doubt - it is for soup diet is not necessary. Take a sharp knife with a long blade, move it between the skin and meat and gently, slowly cut away. Of course, with chicken fat should do just as well. If you just throw a pity - put in a bag in the freezer, remove. Can add to the lean beef as you pass it on to mince meatballs.

Chicken without skin and fat chop into pieces, wash thoroughly, place in a saucepan, cover with cold water and put on fire. Many housewives prefer to cook for the whole carcass. In fact, it is nothing more than a habit. From the point of view of logic, if a bird bone chop, soup will be more intense.

When the water in which the cooked chicken, boil, it must be drained. Dietary chicken soup should take another water. The fact that the birds in the poultry farms inject antibiotics that anywhere from carcasses not disappear, piling up. Therefore, that they do not come to us in the soup, water is better to change. Pour boiling water over the chicken pieces, salt and continue cooking.

At the end of half an hour in the diet of chicken soup can lay the vegetables. This can be potatoes, carrots, onions, taken in arbitrary proportions. If you wish, you can fill with soup of rice. In this case, potatoes and carrots also are appropriate, except that their number should be reduced.

Alternatively, the broth can not fill, and feeding it to boil in a poached egg. For this method of preparation is suitable only very fresh egg. Knock it into a soup spoon, and then carefully transfer into the boiling broth so not to damage the yolk. As soon begins to thicken, remove from heat. The idea is that inside the egg was as if "in the bag". Serve in soup bowls, sprinkle with herbs.

For all dietary soups Chicken perfect parsley and dill. They contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals that are useful for the organism. They also enrich the flavor, giving it a slightly spicy notes. But the addition of coriander in a dish - the amateur.

Tags: chicken, meat, soup, poultry, soup, bird