Corella Parrots: features content at home

Corella Parrots: features content at home
Crested parrot - nymph or Corella (Nymphicus hollandicus) is one of the most popular birds bred in captivity. Carell relatively small size (30-33 cm), the size of a large thrush. Birthplace of the parrot - Australia. Birds in the wild live in pairs or in small flocks together, so no great difficulty to keep this species in aviaries or cages in apartments.

Color parrots mostly gray. More beautiful male cockatiels. Tuft of birds yellow with olive-green tips of feathers. The front part of the head - a bright yellow cheeks red-orange spots. Tail dark wedge. Beak and legs grayish. Females are much fainter than cockatiels, mostly dirty gray color. It should be remembered that in males bright outfit does not appear immediately, but after 10-12 months, when the bird becomes an adult.

In captivity the nymph very pleasant and affectionate bird. She can get along well with other small birdies (canaries, fanciscanus). Corella never hurts small birds. The voice of a parrot nice and quiet. Sharp publishes bird trills, unless it is something scared or overly excited.

Cage for cockatiels is better to choose a rectangular, not less 40h50h60 see. Small cells will lead to the breaking out of a bird feathers. In most cases a cell wall at eye level. Do not place it in the refrigerator, microwave or near radiators. Pallet dimmed clean paper. It is not necessary to throw to the bottom of the cell torn newspapers and pour the sand. Bird, flapping their wings, will all scatter.
All toys, drinking bowls, perches should be regularly cleaned of litter and once a week pour over boiling water cell.

Cockatiels granivorous birds, so it is preferable to give them grain mixture. Feeding a day for one bird - 1, 5 tablespoons, but young parents need to increase the dose to 2 tablespoons. Overeating is undesirable for cockatiels and refusal of food may signal disease.

In addition to grain nymphs can treat fruit (apples, pears), vegetables (tomatoes, zucchini, cucumbers). This, of course, does not mean to poke into the cage the whole fruit. Slices a day is enough. You can offer a parrot a few berries or a spoonful of cottage cheese. Greens can be given indefinitely. Any new food should be introduced into the diet gradually, offering it in the form of crushed or hanging to the twig cells. Drinking water for the birds changed daily.

Like all granivorous, Corelli must be suspended in a cage spetskormushku with coarse sand. Pebbles bird swallows for proper digestion.

Do not abuse vitamin mixtures and additives. The need for them arises only during molting and recovery parrots. Necessary standards vitamins always indicated on the package.

Birds need a longer sleep (10-12 h.) Than men, so the cage with a parrot in the evening should be covered with a thick cloth. Remember Corelli need air, not snatching cell completely.

In fine sunny weather is possible to arrange your favorite sunbathing. It is important that some of the cells was a shadow of the bird could hide there.

Parrots love to swim, but to try to drive them into the water force is not necessary, it can cause stress. Some birds get used to swim in the streams of water from the tap or simply wallow in the wet grass.

House for breeding should be hung in a cage if your bird is already 1, 5 years. Earlier this is not recommended. The female lays an average of 4-5 eggs in the nest. Incubation lasts 21 days. Chicks can leave the nest at the age of 5-6 weeks.

If the bird is found alone, then after a while it becomes a hand: flies to the call, hand-feed, allow themselves to be stroked.

Corella can become the darling of the whole family but when deciding to buy a parrot, you still have to remember that any animal requires attention and communication.

Tags:domestic, condition, cockatiels, content, feature, nymph, caravel