Vacation children: how to choose a good summer camp?

Vacation children: how to choose a good summer camp?
 Responsible parents begin to prepare for the children's vacation in advance, especially when children decided to send to summer camp. Tour operators offer a variety of tours in Russian and foreign camps, but choosing the right should be guided not only by their cost.
 When planning a vacation children and thinking about how to choose a good summer camp, it is better to appeal to those tour operators who specialize in the organization of children's activities. Such operators is not so much because the market were only those who had himself once good account. In addition, some of them have long-term agreements with good children's summer camp located in Turkish and Bulgarian Black Sea coast.

 The basic package, which will offer you the operator must enter accommodation in a comfortable beachfront hotel or a recreation center with a protected area, four meals, sightseeing and entertainment program. It is desirable that the insurance provided, if necessary, the arrival and accommodation of parents. In addition, the company-insurer must sign contracts for medical care of children with institutions of the country in whose territory the children's camp.

In addition to the location of the hotel or the hotel, their improvement, pay attention to the fact that their territory had its own playground and sports. Ask how many children will account for one teacher. Ideally, the number should not exceed 15 people. Living rooms for children must be rated no more than 4-5 people.

From a richer experience of European tour operators, it follows that the best location of the children's camp is not close to the sea and is 2-3 km away. This will ensure the safety of children and to exclude unauthorized bathing. In this case it is better to spend time on a trip to the sea, but to ensure the protection of children on the beach, medical care and support caregivers.

As for food, the "all inclusive" and buffet, so pleasing to adults, are not always useful for children. Few of the children prefer healthy porridge and cottage cheese Sweets and soda. In a good children's camp children should eat fully, so it should be offered 4-5 times per day organized and balanced nutrition for the regime.

Tags: baby, holiday, vacation, camp, children