The road to Vienna by train

The road to Vienna by train
 If you choose to visit Austria, then start with the best of its capital - Vienna. You can reach it in many ways: by train, bus or plane. It is preferable to use the services of railways, as this option is the most profitable and reliable.
 Immediately worth mention that to get a train to the capital of Austria only from Moscow. So first you need to take care of tickets to the capital of our country. Much better would be if you arrive at the Belarusian railway station in Moscow, because from there you can go to Vienna.

Using the railways to Vienna can be reached in two ways. The first method - Trailed thro wagon train №21 «Moscow - Prague". Since the compartment car, the price of travel, on average ranges from 150 to 250 euros. Train sufficiently comfortable, but it is necessary to consider the option that compartment in the car have two types: double and triple. In the first case you get a ticket in the coupe-like ST. The triple share the same space at the 1 and 2 class and second-class passengers ride is uncomfortable because of the awkward layout places.

The main disadvantage of this train is that it does not contain the dining car. Guides, of course, can offer you coffee, tea, cookies, but it is unlikely you will like the cost of these services. In addition, the duration of the journey from Moscow to Vienna by train is about thirty-five hours, therefore, you have to collect provisions on the road.

You can save about fifty euros if the drive to Prague, and then will board a bus to Vienna. But it is necessary to specify in advance whether the bus route from Prague to Vienna to act for the period of your trip.

If you want to save time, you can go to Vienna by train №17 «Moscow - Nice". Journey time will be about 29-30 hours, but must take into account the fact that the train does not come to the central train station of Vienna, and the station Vienna Meidling and parking time is three minutes. Remember that the train schedule may change, so it does not hurt to clarify in railway ticket offices.

Tags: train, road, Vienna