Speed ​​intoxication: how to define its norm

Speed ​​intoxication: how to define its norm
 Drinking alcohol is quite common to each of us. Parties, trips to the nightclubs, weddings and many other events. Everywhere there is alcohol component. How to make sure that there was too ashamed in the morning after a feast and how to determine their rate of drunk - this is the theme of our notes.

Immediately it is worth noting that each person has their own rate of alcohol consumption. Someone zahmeleet slightly drunk a bottle of vodka, and someone enough glasses of wine. Also, the speed of intoxication depends on mixing different alcoholic beverages. If you drink vodka, beer, even the healthiest person with a huge "alcoholic experiences" zapyaneet very quickly. Interfere with vodka and wine is generally not recommended, because in addition to rapid intoxication, in this case, you can also get poisoned.

Speed ​​of intoxication depends on the individual person: the weight, portability, ethanol, "alcoholic experience." Also it depends on the alcohol itself. The fastest way to get drunk with brandy. Slowly get drunk with wine and beer. Determine its rate of drinking can only empirically. You must know, after a glass of vodka in a row you must tell yourself, "Enough." Also remember that, according to the medical literature, limit the ability of a healthy body to process ethanol - 170 grams per day with a body weight of 70 kg.

Alcohol continues to be an important attribute of everyday life and its use is not reasonable cause any problems. Very good on this occasion said in an interview with actor Andrew Merzlikin: "I did not part with alcohol, although the norm know. I do think that in our country, alcohol - a substitute confessional nature. It helps to relieve stress, which in our reality much more than in the West. And if the glass (not a bottle or two!) makes you a revelation, why not! ".

Tags: wine, speed, beer, vodka, alcohol, norm, intoxication