Dress up in the mountains you need a few thin layers. At the very bottom, wear thermal underwear. It wicks moisture away from the body. Average cotton underwear Ski activities is not appropriate. Choosing thermal underwear, pay attention to its "fit" underwear should have a tight fit and form wrinkles.
The next layer - fleece clothing. This material retains body warmth and is waterproof. If one or fleece sweater vest for protection from the cold is not enough, put on top of another one of the same.
Do not forget the ski boots. They have a tight fit leg, do not push and do not hang out. To feel how good they are for you to sit, walk around in them for 5-10 minutes. Stiffness of the ski boot is selected depending on driving style. Recommended for beginners shoes of the less rigid plastic, which allow switching from walking to skating. For women, there are special ski boots, tailored to the characteristics of their feet. Better to choose shoes with metal buckles - they are reliable plastic.
You will also need special socks. They should cover leg above the shoe and have a seal on the heels and toes.
Protect hands from injury and cold are called ski gloves. Usually with these tasks can not cope, so do not skimp on the purchase.
To top it all, take care of glasses. You will appreciate their advantages when it snows. Points will be your escape from the bright sun glare and "beating" in the eyes of snowflakes. It is best to purchase a mirrored goggles. By the way, they can also be worn over ordinary, which is what people with poor eyesight.