In psychology, no wonder it is considered that the subconscious still sees whether it reality or something imaginary. At any moment a person is immersed in a virtual fantasy world and internally agrees that everything he sees - the truth. Similarly, the action and music, and painting, but the movie is perhaps - the most realistic form of art.
Stories are cases where with the growing popularity of a film based on the world a wave of suicides. There are more than harmless manifestations - when girls try to copy the appearance heroines, and the guys - heroes. In the mind of the viewer kinogeroi begin to live their own life. Dream Factory spreads its influence on real life.
Aware of the impact of cinema on the masses, is to use the Communist Party, creating a picture of universal prosperity and welfare. Conversely, part of the show crime films creates in society subconscious feeling of danger and distress. Understanding these trends, many psychologists have long begun to consider cinema as a means of psychotherapy.
Why do different moviegoers different favorite characters? Why do girls like to watch a romantic comedy about love (and others about the strong warriors), and men - about a clever and fearless James Bond? Why kids love of serial Harry Potter? All natural - Who does not want to feel like a magician, a flick of his wand to solve all the problems of life.
People tend to identify with the heroes and heroines of films, books. Through them, people (even if only in their fantasies) gets what it lacks in everyday life. But is incorporeal these fantasies? Is watching movies - just a waste of time? According to psychologists, this is not always the case. Movie does affect, and it can be deliberately exploit.
So, if unsure forever doubter people interested in films about resourceful intrepid heroes, it is possible that he will live a complex and develop a new role model in his own mind. However, it is necessary to watch a movie in a certain way. No need to compare ourselves with the hero and think "I would have never been able to." On the contrary, as the need to identify with the character you like, relax and immerse yourself in the view. Just as the thought of sweet salivate, the viewer can reflexively react to what is happening on the screen. For example, when the hero jumps off the train, the viewer can catch the spirit.
It happens also that the plot of the film one sees life situation, which is relevant to him, and to him comes the understanding of possible solutions. Or film helps to look at the complexity of the other side - that's why during the depression so love to watch comedy. It turns out this kind kinoterapiya.
Obviously, it is better not to look mechanically everything that offer TV channels and consciously choose movies based on your mood, taste and needs.