Toxemia of pregnancy - tormentor expectant mother

Toxemia of pregnancy - tormentor expectant mother
 The most common ailment among pregnant women - this is probably the toxicosis. Toxicosis impossible not to notice - the woman feels "morning sickness", it appears heartburn, and constipation. All these unpleasant symptoms and mean that an expectant mother started toxicosis. Immediately need to mention that toxemia of pregnancy - is not a disease, but, frankly, very unpleasant condition, which must be addressed.

Not worth much afraid of toxicity, because this is facing virtually every expectant mother, and therefore do not need to assure yourself that you do something wrong. Especially that such disorders are usually held after the first trimester. How to relieve their condition? Why is there this trouble? How to fight it? These and other issues of concern expectant mothers, so the women's magazine JustLady will try to answer them in detail.

Early morning sickness during pregnancy - what is it

Toxemia manifests in a depression, nausea, vomiting, due to which a woman has decreased appetite or she almost did not eat. Of course, this also affects the weight. If pregnancy is flowing normally, nausea appears in the morning no more than two or three times, usually on an empty stomach. Unpleasant symptoms usually cease to 12-13 week, but may continue for some time.

The severity of toxicity

Earlytoxemia of pregnancy different degrees of severity. Mild vomiting usually fasting repeated no more than 5 times per day. Appetite and mood expectant mother deteriorate, but the weight remains stable. When the average degree of toxicosis woman celebrates not only vomiting (6-10 times a day), and dizziness, general weakness. Weight is reduced by an average of 2-3 kg per month. In severe vomiting occurs not only during the day, but it happens at night. Because of frequent vomiting (up to 20 times a day), the body severely dehydrated, and the woman loses weight rapidly. Blood pressure drops, temperature increases to 37, 2-37, 5 degrees. How dangerous is toxemia? If the degree of light and medium, then, as a rule, the prognosis is favorable.

The cause of toxemia of pregnancy

Russian and foreign doctors put forward a number of reasons why a pregnant woman comes this unpleasant condition. These include psychogenic factors (fear, anxiety, negative emotions, strong feelings), chronic liver disease and gastrointestinal tract, as well as asthenic syndrome increases the risk of toxicity. The emergence of toxicity depends on the immune status and genetic factors. There is a theory that plays the role of age and pregnant women. It is believed that there is a toxicosis due to the influence placental lactogen - hormone secreted placenta. Due to a change in the metabolism occurs: decreases protein synthesis and amino acid supply required to the fetus increases. These processes that occur in the body, constantly reinforced, and he simply can not adapt to these changes. According to this theory, because of this, and there toxicosis.

How to prevent nausea

To prevent attacks morning vomiting, leave at night at the bedside of some light food, so that you can chat in the morning, just woke up a little snack. This can be anything from a piece of bread to fresh fruit. Redefine your diet: even in a normal state where there is often more useful, but in small portions, and during pregnancy - even more so. Drink plenty of fluids: fruit and vegetable juices, fruit drinks, green tea, light broth. Sometimes, when nausea occurs on an empty stomach, they well help to cope with it. Do not eat those foods, smell and taste which is causing your nausea and vomiting. If dairy products you get worse, you do not need to push them through the power of a - so they will not go in your favor.

It may seem that toxemia of pregnancy associated only with food. Unfortunately, this is not so certain smells or stuffiness in the room can strengthen it. Therefore, to facilitate the manifestations of toxicity, try to protect themselves from objects that exude a strong smell (it's products and perfumes, cosmetics, lotions, soaps, shower gels, etc.).

If you have a heartburn, then again, try to eat more often, but small portions, slowly and carefully chewing food. Avoid fatty foods, do not drink carbonated beverages. Sometimes toxemia of pregnancy manifested and the emergence of constipation. To facilitate your health, eat more fruits and vegetables, drink juices, especially good at helping intestinal peristalsis prune juice. Remember and use about walking - walk every day for two hours, preferably in the parks, waterfront, park. In short, where is quiet and where clean air. In your position is very help and special exercises for pregnant women - their use is invaluable.

Yes, toxemia of pregnancy - is not a disease in the sense that we understand the word. But, alas, sometimes it becomes a real tormentor for the mother, so you have to fight with him. But do not take toxicosis panic. Yes, it's frustrating, but try to treat it more or less quietly. By the way, there is an opinion of scientists that toxemia of pregnancy points to its favorable resolution, so that even in this unpleasant phenomenon, if desired, can be seen as something positive.

Alice Terentyeva

Tags: pregnancy toxemia, torturer