The earliest signs of pregnancy

The earliest signs of pregnancy
 Today's medicine makes it quite reliably diagnose conception in the early weeks of pregnancy. However, if you are expecting a baby would, it is unlikely that you have the strength to wait so long. You listen closely to her, trying to find signs of pregnancy in the earliest days, if not hours after conception. Women's magazine JustLady always happy to come to the aid of young women, and perhaps today's story will help you identify yourself first, the earliest signs of pregnancy.

Immediately need to mention that exactlyidentify early pregnancyquite difficult. If you already have one child, maybe you remember how it was shown for the first time and compare their condition with today. But if this is the first experience, try to help you with tips that give professionals and mothers with babies.

You also need to decide how long the pregnancy can be considered early. It is logical to assume that this is the period from the moment of conception until the normal time the onset of menstruation. After all, if they do not come in time, the most likely (when fully healthy), you are pregnant. I.e.,signs of pregnancy in the earliest daysAre those that have appeared during the period from the moment of conception until 10-14 days of gestation.

The earliest signs of pregnancy

The earliest signs of pregnancy

Small discharge from the vagina and uterus. These Aresigns of pregnancy in the earliest days occur quite often. Discharge from the uterus rather scarce and are mostly pink or brownish color, which indicates the presence of a small amount of blood. Typically, such separation can be observed around the fifth day from the moment of conception, when the embryo attaches to the uterine wall.

Here it is necessary to know that these emissions are usually quite light, only slightly colored. If they are abundant, have bright red or dark color, you should immediately consult a gynecologist. Vaginal discharge can change the transparency to a yellowish color and become more abundant. This is normal in early pregnancy. Increased basal temperature after oocyte maturation is also referred to asthe earliest signs of pregnancy. Typically, the temperature rises exactly in the period of ovulation, and then immediately reduced. If you follow the cycle and know when ovulation occurs, you will be able to track this point. That is, if the temperature remains elevated even after ovulation, it is possible with certainty assume that conception has occurred. The results to be valid, do not forget to measure the basal temperature before both get up from bed in the morning.

Fatigue, headaches and generally constant feeling of fatigue - is alsosigns of pregnancy in the earliest days. The fact that the body is trying to move quickly and adapt to a new state, all its forces go out to protect the embryo from possible danger. Immunity is at this time is reduced, as you know, to the mother's body does not reject "foreign" body. However, if you are up to the alleged conception feel not particularly cheerful, this feature can not serve as an indicator.

Very often, even before the pregnancy test can react, the expectant mother may feel pain and heaviness in the breast. They can change shape even slightly. This is also one of theEarly Signs of Pregnancy. The reason for discomfort is still the same - changes in the body, preparing to breast-feeding a baby. Also pay attention to the nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which may be accompanied by vaginal discharge (of them mentioned above) and occur on the eve of the arrival of the normal period of menstruation.

Typically, such a thing as frequent urination, already appears on a later date, when the uterus enlarges and puts pressure on the bladder. But sometimes these feelings arise very early and can also be consideredthe earliest signs of pregnancy. In this case, too, need to consider how stable was your hormones before pregnancy, and whether you have recently urinary infections. Otherwise it is possible to confuse symptoms with early signs of pregnancy.

Assigns of pregnancy in the earliest days can also be seen the emergence of high or, conversely, reduced appetite. There may be a feeling of nausea or aversion to a particular type of food, or a fascination with one of the types of products. Not to mention in this list, and the pregnancy hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone appears in pregnant women. Produces its chorion - one of the shells of the fruit. In the body of non-pregnant women, it may also be present, but in very small concentrations. In the case of pregnancy, its content increases, and the time, with increasing gestational age.

This is the hormone itself and react pregnancy tests. However, if it appears in the urine later and accurately diagnose a pregnancy test at or urine analysis can only after several days from the beginning of the delay, the blood before it is manifest that allows to identify pregnant 10-12 days already from the conception. Some doctors advise to try to give blood for GHCH even in the first days of the date of possible conception.

As you can see,signs of pregnancy in the earliest days very similar to the symptoms of some diseases. Because when they appear best to consult a doctor to make sure you really are pregnant and do not suffer from the disease. In addition, early treatment of antenatal care, allow doctors to monitor the development and health of babies with early pregnancy and the time to take action if necessary.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, Ambassador, forum, ovulation period, parent, birth, sign, selection, sign, vagina