The consequences of oral contraceptives

The consequences of oral contraceptives
 It is not the first decade remains an urgent topic of birth control pills and their effects. Since then, both have been invented oral contraceptives, passed a long time, their composition and effectiveness have changed significantly. But, despite this, around the theme of oral contraceptives do not cease all sorts of controversy and doubt.

It is known that if you drink the pill according to the rules, they are effective at 99%. But in spite of all the advantages of oral contraception, it is used not so many women. How Come? Many women are afraid of the consequences is of contraceptives. After all, during their existence, a host of various myths associated with their reception. Here are the most common:

1. Some people believe that young girls are contraindicated oral contraceptives with low hormone levels, but their acceptance is effective, moreover, helps to eliminate skin problems such as acne and pimples.

2. It is also widely known for such myth is that of oral contraceptives on the face begin to grow hair. And this is also true. The content of hormones in modern contraceptive preparations is that the appearance of unwanted hair on the face simply excluded.

3. The next myth - a significant increase in body weight due to receive birth control pills. But this consequence occurs only at high levels of hormones in the preparation, and modern contraceptives contain relatively small number.

4. Another common myth - hormonal contraceptives lead to infertility. But it is not, contrary to popular belief is enough. Much more harmful are long breaks in the use of oral contraceptives, as the body constantly having to readjust from one mode to another.

Tags: tablet consequence, reception, contraceptive