Stimulation of ovulation folk remedies

Stimulation of ovulation folk remedies
 Nowadays, many couples are more likely to experience difficulty conceiving a child. If the cause of infertility is the lack of ovulation in women taking measures to stimulate. Doctors usually prescribe medications. But some women prefer to start to try different traditional methods to stimulate ovulation.

The most commonly used folk remedy to stimulate ovulation is sage broth. This plant contains a large number of substances with similar properties to the female sex hormone estrogen. Today, these substances are called phytohormones. Due to the content of these substances, the use of broth sage normalizes the reproductive system, particularly beneficial effect on the ovaries.

To prepare the broth sage 1 tablespoon of dry grass boiled water. After cooling the broth, it must strain and take 50 ml 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. Start taking a decoction of sage best at 5-7 days of the menstrual cycle. Duration of reception is 11 days. Use this method to stimulate ovulation preferably not more than 3 months in a row, then you must take a break for 2 months. Along with the grass can be taken sage linden blossom which also contains phytohormones. In this case, the 1 tablespoon sage need to add 1 tablespoon of lime blossom.

Another popular folk remedy to stimulate ovulation is healing aloe-based mixture. To prepare the drug is best to use a five-year plant. Before cutting off the leaves of aloe should not be watered during the week. Cut the leaves need to survive in the refrigerator for a week. After this time, the leaves of aloe to wash and remove them Chippers and then chop finely with a sharp knife. The produced mass is put honey, pork lard and butter, ghee, wherein each of the products to be 6 times greater than aloe. The drug is based on aloe taken twice a day, a solution of 1 tablespoon of the mixture in a glass of warm milk.

To enhance the effect of the drug on the basis of aloe is desirable to combine with the reception of broth from psyllium. The broth is prepared as follows: 1 tablespoon of seeds pour a glass of cold water and brought to a boil. After Prokip broth for 5 minutes, switch off the fire, and wait 40 minutes. After this time the broth must drain. Receiving means 1 tablespoon 4 times a day.

Tags: child, ovary, means the product, ovulation, diet, herb, Review, conception, method, stimulation, sage