Rh-negative and abortion

 With all the advances of modern medicine abortion (abortion) is still one of the most complex gynecological operations and leads to a lot of complications. Taking such a decision, the woman often realizes that it can expect: a variety of injuries of internal genital organs, moral experience, the risk of infertility in the future. The most severe consequence it is expected of women who decided to have an abortion at a negative Rh factor. What is the reason? In this issue will now understand women's magazine JustLady.

Rh-negative and abortion: Rh and Rh factor

Rh factor - no other than the protein that forms on the surface of red blood cells - red blood cells. For most people it is present, and they are called Rh-positive, in other words, have positive Rh. However, about 15% of people do not have the protein. These are people with Rh-negative.

First studies of this phenomenon engaged in the first half of the 20th century. Since then, knowledge about this issue greatly expanded, doctors are able to take the necessary measures to ensure that women with Rh-negative, can have healthy children with the opposite Rh factor.

Howeverabortion with Rh-negative remain, for the most part, the same risky activities as before. Let's see why.

We begin, as they say, from the stove.
If a woman with Rh-negative expecting a baby from rhesus-negative men, it's not worry about it: the baby will be a carrier Rh factor Rh parents and there is no conflict. I think that abortion in this case involves only the usual risks.

If a woman has Rh-negative and Rh-positive man, then fruit could inherit the father's Rh factor. In this case, and to talk about the Rh conflict.

The fact that the body of a woman with Rh negative blood receives Rh-positive baby as a threat, something harmful and alien. In the mother's blood begins to produce antibodies that seek to protect the immune system of women "invasion". Ordinary, seemingly the case, but these same antibodies cross the placenta into the baby's blood and are "offensive" on his red blood cells in an effort "to destroy the enemy."

As a result of these "battles" suffers not only a woman, but a child. Feeling the loss of red blood cells, the body tends to increase their baby production, resulting in liver and spleen increased many times over. However, women are stronger immunity, and the fruit can not withstand the attack. Blood cells die, begins anoxia, brain damaged.

Now doctors have learned to cope with this problem. Rh-negative women with Rh-positive fetus carefully observed, if necessary, appoint a special procedure, in order to stop the "war" and to continue the pregnancy to a natural end.

However, during childbirth occurs the risk of the baby's blood to Rh-negative mother's blood. If this happens, the body, even in hindsight, will begin production of antibodies to destroy foreign bodies.

Rh-negative and abortion: the risk of infertility

The same risk amplified repeatedly, and when there is anabortion in Rh-negative. It does not matter what type of abortion to be done. Is this chemical, vacuum or classic abortion, artificial birth even if the fetus is Rh positive, it will not pass without a trace.

And even that is not the main threat. The fact that at the first meeting with foreign bodies Rh positive blood, the mother's body produces antibodies of a special kind. They are quite large, slow-moving, hard to cross the placenta. That's why the chances of pregnancy during the first pass Rhesus conflict are extremely high, and women for no reason you can not miss this opportunity.

But be that as it may, the signal is given, and the next Rh-conflict pregnancy the mother immediately receive information about the "harmful objects" and "battleground" will be released "fighters" of a different kind.

Their task is the same - to destroy the "enemy". But they are significantly different from their predecessors: they are small, very mobile and capable of inflicting enough powerful blow to the "line of defense" baby. Thus, each subsequent Rh-conflict pregnancy increases the risk of miscarriage or abnormalities of fetal development. The same applies to eachabortion in Rh-negative at a positive pregnancy.

Every pregnancy, abortion, miscarriage, increases these risks by 10% in ascending order. Thus, a sufficient number of abortions, in some moment pregnancy is simply dangerous for women and has practically no chance to finish safely.

Negative Rh factor and abortion: Safety

However, the decision about abortion does not always take a woman on my own. There are situations where continuation of the pregnancy entails more dangers thanabortion. In this case, a woman withRh-negative should be aware of something else.

Abortion with Rh-negative can pass with minimal risk of sensitization (antibody), if it extends up to the 7th week of gestation. The fact that the alien body Rh negative fetus begins to produce approximately 7-8 second week of conception, then, up to this point the mother still will not start to produce antibodies in the case of contact with the blood of the fetus.

Afterabortion in Rh-negative must be administered Rh immunoglobulin - a substance extracted from the blood, which can stop the production of antibodies to Rh-positive blood.
This procedure is carried out in the period from 2 hours to 3 days from the date of termination of pregnancy. It is particularly important in the case of abortion during the first pregnancy because it can significantly reduce the risk of threats following a positive pregnancy.

Knowing this, if you do decide toabortion with Rh-negative, Choose a clinic with a good reputation and competent specialists who can provide you with a complete package of measures to reduce the risk of complications from the selection of the type and term abortion to subsequent injection of the desired drug.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, Ambassador, abortion diet consequence, food, setting, miscarriage, influence, Rh factor, antibody, danger, interrupt