Ready to inject for a newborn

Ready to inject for a newborn
 The birth of a baby - the most remarkable event that can happen in a family. Behind difficult nine months of excitement and anticipation. Soon you will have a child - a little master of your life. The parents' concern is understandable, addition to the family requires some training and better think about it in advance so as not to have to buy everything needed for infants at the last moment. In this article, a women's magazine JustLady talk about the dowry for the newborn - things that will be needed for your child from the first days.

Forget about superstitions: that purchase vests and sliders before birth - a bad omen. Bad luck - it's just been discharged from the hospital mom who is desperately looking for the necessary baby diapers and diapers. Time is running out, and if the woman at the same time still have to carve out free time for shopping - it may cause serious psychological breakdown. Relatives, of course, be happy to help you, but not the fact that they choose exactly what you need. Do not miss the fun, go shopping and buydowry for the newborn themselves, while it has free time.

Pick baby beautiful blouse and socks, comfortable pants and caps, please be diapers. Purchase a cot and baby changing table - baby room should be fully ready for his "parish." You are not sure of the accuracy of ultrasound and doubt, someone will bring you a stork: a boy or a girl? Buy items of neutral colors: lettuce, purple, white and honey. Drawing on children's things can be anything, now even clothes for boys decorated with bright, colorful prints. So, gatherdowry for the newborn a women's magazine JustLady.

Ready to inject for a newborn

Clothing for babies

1. Diaper. Purchase (or sew yourself - it will be cheaper) to 5 pieces of flannel and cotton diapers. Choose bright colors - such diapers longer retain their original appearance after many washings.

2. undershirts. You will need 4-5 pieces of light (c / b) and flannel raspashonok. The preferred model will be on the buttons or buttons - they are easier to put on the baby. Bdowry for the newborn be sure to include 2-3 warm flannel vests with long sleeves - they can be worn over light raspashonok.

3. Sliders. First, you need to have 5-6 pairs. Choose a model in a suit on the button - it does not have all the time to tighten and correct. A convenient fasteners allow quick diaper change.

4. cap. The baby will have two very thin cap and two flannel, which can be worn for a walk under a warm fleece or wool hat.

5. Socks, Mittens. Will be sufficient to 2-3 pairs of cotton and a pair of woolen socks. Under the "mittens" refers to special lightweight gloves without fingers - they will secure your baby from involuntary scratching.

6. Warm jumpsuit for walking - Be sure to include indowry for the newborn. Now sold very comfortable overalls transformers, they can be used as an envelope (for newborns) and as coveralls (for grown babies). By the way, there you can take the kid out of the hospital.

Purchasedowry for the newborn in specialized stores, it will protect you from the low-quality stuff. All clothes should be sewn from natural fibers, without rough seams, with a minimum number of applications and hardware. Synthetics allowed only in outer clothing that does not have direct contact with children's body. All new things before wearable need to wash and iron. And one more little thing: do not choose a very complex in cut and finish things. Kids tend to treat badly dressing procedure, begin to act up. Therefore, it is more convenient than sewn clothes, the faster you will wear on her baby. And the less it will be on the frills, flounces and pockets - the easier it will be to iron iron after washing.

Dowry for a newborn: bedding, and other "useful" stuff

Cot and stroller for the baby also need to buy in advance. New furniture has a specific smell, which should have time to erode your return with the baby from the hospital. Purchase two sets of baby bedding, a small pillow, two blankets: flannel and wool. Think about what will be laid in the carriage, it may be necessary for one additional mattress and a warm blanket.

Collectingdowry for the newborn do not forget about the important stuff. You will definitely need a pacifier, baby feeding bottles, first aid kit with all the necessary disinfectants, children's cosmetics, scissors, cotton buds and tampons, as well as bath, in which you will be the first time to bathe the baby. What else should buy:

• terry towel and mitt for swimming, children's soap;
• Thermometer;
• herbal bathing the baby;
• Toys for newborns;
• diapers;
• Sling (a device for carrying infants);
• car seat-carrying (the model for the little ones).

Collectdowry for the newborn with pleasure, enjoy the process - a mental attitude you for the next contact with the baby. A feeling of complete readiness for a meeting with his "treasure" will give you confidence.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: clothes, pregnancy, stroller, hospital, jumpsuit, infant, diaper, spring, vest