National signs of pregnancy

National signs of pregnancy
 In ancient times, many nations had different beliefs and superstitions against pregnant women, many signs have survived to the present day. What is it - the usual superstitions or special rules designed to protect the future mother? All signs of pregnant women are rooted in a deep history, so today it is extremely difficult to say on what basis they were made. Pregnancy - a period in which many women are particularly impressionable and hypochondriac. Often expectant mothers are inclined to believe in a sheer nonsense, which at other times simply would not pay attention.

It would seem that some of the signs are so absurd that they even hard to take seriously, but the consciousness of a pregnant woman as if deliberately clings to all the bad things that can happen to her baby. And in vain! Believe that real or unreal or other signs - the choice of each person, but a lot depends on what set our subconscious. If a person is seriously beginning to believe in omens, it is as if the "programs" themselves out to follow or not to follow him to this prediction. Women's magazine JustLady with you try to analyze how justified are the most common signs of pregnancy folk.

If you do not believe inCommon signs of pregnancyThen just do not pay attention to them. If they have to mean something, then for the sake of peace of mind, try to stick to them. Remember that most folk will not scientifically justified, and even more so - sometimes they simply paradoxical. If you are curious as to how women define child's sex without modern technology, you will be interested in some of the signs.

So, if you often sleep on your left side, then most likely you will have a boy. Accordingly, if the right - is a girl. If you love citrus, this tendency foretells you girl. The skin became heavily shelled and crack? Wait for the girl. If pregnancy is easy, and you feel a lightness and grace, it also points to the girl, as well as plump face. But the craving for salty, feeling awkward clearly says that you will raise her son. Is ThereCommon signs of pregnancyAssociated with the location of the abdomen. So, if the stomach is low - it's a boy, tall - a girl. Accelerated growth of hair on the legs, as well as constantly cold feet suggest that you wait a son.

Some national signs of pregnancy are associated with the behavior of the expectant mother. Journal JustLady hurry to introduce you to them. So, if a woman did not tell others about the pregnancy, the folk wisdom says that she is waiting for a girl. Conversely, if you are happy to share their happiness - it's a boy. Expectant mother is irritated by men around her? So she waits for her daughter. In general, the mood of women according to legend also indicates the sex of the child. If all pregnant women carries a good mood, then she would have a boy with a bad - girl. Of course, all of the above is more dependent on the nature of the expectant mother, the conditions of its life, marital status, than on the floor of the baby.

National signs of pregnancy

National signs of pregnancy: what can and can not do the expectant mother

Folk wisdom says that a woman should sit in a position on the doorstep. Our great-grandmother believed that the threshold - is the border between our world and the next, and this border forces of evil can harm us. JustLady sees this as a much more real concern for the health of the pregnant woman: threshold - not the best place for it, because it is better to sit where there is no draft.

Another folk sign reads: a woman can not have a secret, otherwise it will be very shy child. JustLady sure that timidity child does not depend on my mother's strange habit of hiding from everyone to eat. But! Anything useful to have secretly and in a hurry, no. If you want to eat, then eat normally, without worrying that you're being "caught".

Is ThereCommon signs of pregnancyWhich states that a pregnant woman should wear clothes without knots should not weave and knit. Our ancestors believed that by tying a knot, tying a woman to her child the way in this world. In addition, tie a knot associated with the umbilical cord, in which the child may become tangled. If you follow the signs, the woman can not do cut and sew during pregnancy, otherwise the child will have a birthmark. On what is this belief are difficult to understand. In fact, needlework can not do any harm to a pregnant woman. However, and here it is necessary to be careful: the expectant mother can not be a long time to be seated, so log JustLady recommends that you often wake up, warm up, change position.

SomeCommon signs of pregnancy not unfounded. For example, the sign associated with the fact that a woman can not look at the worst, because the baby can be born ugly. Indeed, the child, even while in the womb already reacts to light, sounds, emotions mom. Therefore, a woman is better to surround yourself with something positive and beautiful. In short, all that causing positive emotions. It would be beneficial for the baby, and for most mothers. There is a sign, according to which a pregnant woman can not be cut because of this child may be born prematurely. However, this statement does not scientifically justified, so if you want to make yourself a new haircut, haircut his pleasure.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: hair, pregnancy, stomach, magazine, determination, luck