Misconceptions about infertility

Misconceptions about infertility
 Unfortunately, the problem of infertility concerns a rather large number of modern couples. This is the main reason for the emergence of many misconceptions and myths associated with infertility. Spreading false allegations of infertility consuming hope many couples on the long-awaited birth of the baby, as a rule, people far from medicine.

The main culprit of infertility in the couple - woman. This is not so. There is a male infertility. And it occurs as often as women.

The inability to have children affected by stress, it is worth only a little rest, and pregnancy occurs immediately. This is partially true. But only for women without any gynecological problems. Even a good rest will not cure, such as endometriosis or adhesions in the pelvis, which are a common cause of female infertility.

Do not worry too much about the long pregnancy occurs, it's just a matter of time. In fact, this is misleading, especially for women who can not get pregnant within a year of active and regular sex life. Moreover, the older the woman, the less chance it has of getting pregnant, and the longer the period of infertility, the treatment it will be more difficult.

Infertility may occur due to incorrectly chosen posture during intercourse. This is nonsense, because the onset of, or, conversely, non-occurrence of pregnancy, intercourse posture is not affected.

Thin to conceive a lot easier than complete. In fact, getting pregnant difficult and overly lean and overweight women.

Reinforced sports can help a woman become pregnant. This is not so, because excessive exercise can lead to a lack of ovulation required for pregnancy. Naturally, the sport is very useful for women and men who are planning to have a baby, but in moderation.

Many people can be heard misconception that painful periods - one of the main causes of infertility. In fact, on the contrary, regular painful periods, often suggest that ovulation has occurred yet. Consequently, a woman has every chance of becoming pregnant.

There is an opinion, and that women with elongated, but regular menstrual cycle, for example, forty days, it is very difficult to become pregnant. This statement is absolutely no way justified and is only a delusion.

Some illiterate in matters of medicine, people believe that a common cause of infertility is the incompatibility of the blood groups of the spouses. In fact, there is no relation between the onset of pregnancy and blood groups of men and women.

People who say that infertility is inherited, badly mistaken.

If sperm after intercourse emerged from a woman's body, it is not to say that after this intimacy she could not get pregnant.

Liquid consistency and low semen volume and not the cause of infertility, as some people think. The possibility of pregnancy depends mainly on the number of sperm in the semen.

And approval misconception is that the couple already has children together, there can be infertility.

Infertility in many cases, be successfully treated with the help of modern medicine. Therefore, the first step toward long-awaited pregnancy, should not be a visit to a neighbor or friend, a consultation with a qualified gynecologist.

Tags: myth, delusion