Jade and pregnancy: a risk for mother and baby

Jade and pregnancy: a risk for mother and baby
 Jade is a disease that is accompanied by inflammation of the kidney and urinary tract. It can be acute or chronic. In the second case, nephritis is a great danger, frequently complicated insofar during pregnancy may lead to renal dysfunction.

Jade from all diseases of the urinary system in pregnant women is more common. His carry about 10 percent of women. This is due to the fact that during pregnancy tone kidney, bladder, ureter reduced, which contributes to an easy penetration of urinary tract infection. Furthermore, the growth of the uterus increases pressure on the bladder, which hinders the outflow of urine and promotes inflammation.

Jade treats necessary only under medical supervision. Untimely visit to a specialist may entail very serious complications such as renal failure and hypertension. Of course, the appearance of jade during pregnancy - a phenomenon quite undesirable as a high risk of complications for the baby and for the mother.

Depending on the degree of risk of possible complications of the disease varies. If nephritis arose during pregnancy and has not previously been found in women, it is a disease usually does not bear serious consequences. In this case, the appointment of appropriate treatment pregnancy is proceeding normally.

If nephritis aggravated during pregnancy, ie, previously woman suffered from this disease, the risk of adverse effects is about 25 percent. In some cases, such a pregnancy can result in the loss of the fetus, especially if a woman went to the doctor on time.

Nephritis, against which the woman developed renal failure or hypertension, pregnancy is contraindicated in general, since in this case the risk for women is very high. The only exception is when the disease is in remission, or one of the kidney has the ability to function normally. In such a situation, pregnancy should be held under the constant supervision of doctors.

Tags: child, mother, baby, pregnancy, the risk of inflammation, nephritis