In which hospital is best to give birth

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 Childbirth - the happiest event in the life of each family. Baby is just starting to knock on my mother's belly, and he has come up with a name, pick a comfortable bed and nice clothes. Young mother is worried before the meeting with his dearest little man in your life and wants to birth went well, without complications and stressful situations. In this article, female site JustLady answer the most frequently asked question by pregnant women: what is the best hospital to give birth?

Preparing to leave a responsible and must start almost from the onset of pregnancy. Today, there are two options for delivery: Free on maternity certificate and pay. It is believed that the second option is more convenient and provides greater assurance and comfort of my mother and the newborn baby, but it's not that simple. Before deciding for themselves "in which the hospital is better to give birth? "Let's get acquainted with these two options.

Birth Certificate - helping mom

Birth certificate given to each woman, which is registered in the antenatal clinic. This type of payment for health services introduced relatively recently and is a kind of medical policy narrow focus. Even if you are going to give birth in private clinics, still try to issue the certificate, it will be your guarantee in case of emergencies. Income changes, you can move to a new location, and the presence at the hands of birth certificate under any circumstances provide you with the necessary medical attention. Question "which hospital is best"Keep in mind, and themselves, first of all, paid a visit to the antenatal clinic. The certificate is issued after 12 weeks of registration, it is impossible to get used to. Even if you have already decided on the doctor and watched from his specialist, go to the women's consultation, at least occasionally. If you do not appear in the consultation for three months, you may have problems with the issuance of the certificate. The absence of a certificate, in this case, is equivalent to the absence of documents and, in the case of force majeure, you will be taken to give birth to a special hospital providing services to women who are not registered in the antenatal clinic.

Periodic determination among pregnant women will bring you many benefits. Firstly, sitting in the queue, you can share with "like-minded" their feelings, and secondly, can anyone of them will tell youin which the hospital is better to give birth. Many already have experience, some asked for advice from friends and relatives who gave birth.

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Paid labor - service for money

If you selected a paid maternity hospital, childbirth pay via birth certificate, you can not. The program aims to help women get a decent standard of medical care in any chosen hospital, private clinics in this program do not participate. Even if you decide to give birth in a hospital district, the choice of a paid program, you'll need to shell out the cash. Some hospitals require payment in addition to still birth certificate - to defend their rights, paid for birth certificate is required.In which hospital is best to give birth - Paid or free? As elsewhere, it is all about the human factor. Providing maternity hospital paid services does not mean that you will be working some special experts. Many gynecologists and midwives have extensive experience in obstetrics, thanks to happy women and work in the normal state hospitals. Talk with friends, with their mothers, wandering in your backyard with a wheelchair, look responses online. On this basis, determine the range of maternity homes that suit you in the parameters.

Choosing a hospital

Which hospital is best? First of all, the one that is closest to your home. If the contractions begin suddenly, you will need to immediately go to the hospital. No matter, I'll go you go there by ambulance or your own car to the destination you need to get quickly and easily.

When choosing the hospital beforehand verify that it contains all the necessary services. Modern hospital certainly has a good Anesthesiology, Department of Blood Transfusion and equipped with the latest technology children's intensive care unit. Ask statistics: how many births a year takes the hospital, how many of them were cases with unfavorable outcome for the mother or child.

Find out whether you can choose the professional who will guide your delivery. Do not rely solely on the advice of staff, try to see a doctor in person and talk. Better to do it more than once, because of the established understanding between you depends on your confidence and a positive outlook for the coming generations. Be sure to ask your doctor if he could attend the birth, if they do not begin his shift.Which hospital is best? The one where you feel comfortable enough.

Questions that you should find out:

• What methods of diagnosing a hospital, if possible birth without anesthesia and stimulation;
• Can you give up some injections;
• applies whether the child to the mother immediately after birth;
• Does the right of a husband to be around during labor;
• Do not finish feeding whether children without the need for artificial mixtures.

Choosingin which the hospital is better to give birthNote the household stuff: whether there is separate wards for mother and baby, shower, can bring their products and linen, how long can you stay in the ward husband, whether you can use a cell phone, iPods, etc.
Specialized maternity hospital

If you have health problems, your doctor may recommend a specialist hospital. Do not get discouraged and do not take it as a bad sign. Profile hospital, can not create such a comfort to you, as an elite clinic, but it will ensure the proper monitoring of you and your baby and reduce the risk of complications.

In which hospital is best to give birth? This question should ask the parents no later than 20 weeks of gestation and, considering all the points that we discussed in this article, selectwhich hospital is best best suited to their requirements.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: pregnancy, maternity hospital, Tyumen