How to survive the miscarriage: expert advice

How to survive the miscarriage: expert advice
 Psychological state woman who survived miscarriage, it is very difficult to describe. Experienced a huge loss, failing mother suppressed the loss and feels unbearable pain. She does not want to sleep or drink, neither eat nor speak. She is afraid that life has lost all meaning, and nothing will bring joy. How to survive a miscarriage, to recover from the loss and start to live again? Please note some expert advice.

Do not hide grief from people. The first response to the terrible news - shock. It does not matter whether you will then hysterical, crying silently, or fall into a stupor - any reaction to the shock is natural. Very well, if at this point would be next to a man who will take care of you.

The next stage - the awareness of loss - brings heartache and tears. Psychologists advise not restrain himself: if I want to cry - cry, want to talk - talk. Do not be ashamed of their feelings! The best help you can provide those who listen to you, soothe and support. Not always so understanding people act relative or husband. This may be a friend or a priest. Tears at this stage are your salvation - let them spill, then to have the opportunity of healing.

From losses not insured by any one person. But time heals, and you will be able to recover, if they themselves want to. To cure you need to work with them and their experiences. From where to start?

Write on a piece of phrase: "All will be well", "I'll feel better," "I get over their loss," etc. Hang up and put these pages where you will stumble on them constantly. Sooner or later you vrezhutsya words in memory and will float in the most difficult moments.

Take care of yourself. Visit your doctor, hand over analyzes and pass examinations. You need to heal and feel healthy. Properly and fully fed and stick mode. Take a multivitamin and forget about coffee and alcohol.

Find out from your doctor what caused the disaster, and try to avoid this in the future. Before you start a conversation with a specialist, be sure to prepare: calm, tune. Ask him all the disturbing questions and record your answers. In able to count on your memory should not be. And best of all, if you will take a reliable person.

Watch your psychological state and its changes. Keep a diary, which describes what is happening to you, as well as plans for the next day, week, month. Celebrate making progress.

Follow their desires - to change something in appearance or wardrobe, take a trip. You have experienced a great misfortune, but life still goes on, and you have to understand that not only have lost something, but something gained, wiser, stronger.

Tags: Ambassador, life, advice, specialist