How to overcome fear of childbirth

How to overcome fear of childbirth
 Fear of childbirth is very common among the expected addition of women. And even the fact that women give birth with the same time as there are people in the world, does not convince them. They believe that they can not cope with unbearable pain, and more wind the self. Most often to blame for the terrible stories about girlfriends consuming and unbearable pain, sometimes impressive scenes of childbirth movies where women screaming for the whole hospital and convulse. The closer the day X, the more nervous woman. Journal JustLady tell you how to overcome fear of childbirth, how to prepare for this important event and to get rid of panic attacks.

A woman who is a few months is the future baby under her heart, becomes accustomed to his position, but questions about childbirth evoke doubts and fears. They ask themselves: "Can I endure this pain? If all goes well I have? After all, I still do not like people suddenly and this time everything goes wrong ...? ".

Try to set yourself up for another twist. After birth - this is another step in life, only more important and responsible than others. Think about what wonderful feelings and emotions will bring into your life long-awaited baby. When you first take him in my arms, all your fears, pain and anxiety remain in the past, and all that you will have to wait - love and happiness in the form of a newborn baby.

The biggestfear of childbirth due to the fact that a woman expects a wild and unbearable pain. Yes, every woman births are different, and most do experience pain. But you can change your attitude towards it. You have to understand that you only need to endure a moment of severe pain, and soon all will pass, the light will be a kid, and you completely forget about it. Surely you have convinced yourself that the pain is unbearable and endless - not at all what it intensively, the faster it will go. In the end, look around and you will see happy moms who smile, laugh, enjoy life and do not remember about those unpleasant sensations that they experienced.

Most of the women themselves cause atfear of childbirthBecause it is wound and adjust themselves to the fact that they will suffer terrible torment. As a result, the way it is. To prevent such delivery to be smooth and without panic, a woman needs consciously to approach this process: it is desirable to thoroughly learn about what happens to a woman during childbirth. If you develop a relaxed attitude to the birth of the child, it is possible to overcomefear of childbirth and to reduce the pain to a minimum. Women are very useful like a course for pregnant women: chat with other future moms, discuss their problems, talk about their fears, etc. These courses teach women breathing technique, show the best generic posture. Also in such groups can practice yoga for pregnant women, which is very good for your body and your mind.

If you think about howhow to overcome fear of childbirthThen stop listening to horror stories about what happened at the other. No need to pre-configure itself to the poor! Instead psychologically setting yourself up for easy and simple delivery. Emotional preparation for childbirth is no less important than the physical. The better you prepare yourself than calm and confident you are, the easier it will take generations. Remember that fear shackles and difficult labor, but because you will be much more difficult.

Therefore, go to the group classes, specializing in special exercises or water aerobics for pregnant women. Dual use - exercise will contribute to well-being, you can find new friends, become relate to leave more confident and relaxed. In short, some pluses. Magazine encourages its readers JustLady position regularly practice yoga and relaxation, you have to fight off the fear and learn to relax. With regard to the duration of employment, the load should be minimal - enough for 15 minutes a day to overcomefear of childbirth.

During labor, try to think less about themselves, the main thing - well-being of your baby, because it is much worse than you. And what will happen if he feels more and my mother's fear? If you panic fear your baby will be hard to bear birth, because it is already under stress. Gather all direct your attention to help the kid, and then he will feel your emotional and better will take birth.

And finally, from JustLady: several occasions not to be afraid of childbirth

• Yes, childbirth - a painful and difficult, but it passes. You, like your mother, grandmother, great-grandmother, as millions of women around the world will be able to overcome them. Scary when pain signals to some problem in the body. But the pain of childbirth - the natural physiological reaction. So, do not be afraid of it, pereterpit. Remember that everything goes as it should go.
• You have already experienced so much for the sake of her baby, so much endured - nurtured him, took care of. So do not you give up at the finish? Believe in yourself and your will!
How to overcome fear of childbirth? Remember that you are not alone - you get expert help and find a way out in any situation. Select a doctor who you can trust blindly, then no fears will not.

So, you could move steadfastly pregnancy, you carried your baby, you are confident and calm. Reliable doctor is waiting for you to help your child to be born. Do you know where, when and with whom will give birth, are you waiting for - not wait for their precious child. You can only collect their will, as much as possible to easier and faster to give birth. Women's magazine JustLady wishes you a successful birth!

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: family