How to get rid of constipation pregnant

How to get rid of constipation pregnant
 Constipation in early pregnancy - a fairly common phenomenon. The growing uterus interferes with normal bowel. High levels of progesterone causes hypotension and its motility disorders. Nevertheless, the need to fight constipation, because they not only degrade the quality of life, but also can cause obesity, anal fissures, hemorrhoids and even the threat of termination of pregnancy.
 Treatment of constipation during pregnancy determined by the physician, who observed the woman. Depending on the causes of drug therapy may be with or without the use of medicinal drugs. In many cases it is enough to change the power or remove the emotional experience.

To normalize digestion and improve peristalsis is recommended to eat more vegetables, fruits, berries, oatmeal, rye bread. They contain fiber, which contributes to a better functioning of the bowels. Useful vegetable fats, increases peristalsis. Fill salads with mayonnaise better not, and any vegetable oil. Before going to sleep you need to drink a glass of fermented milk enriched with bifidobacteria. It is necessary to minimize the consumption of spicy foods, chocolate, white bread, fast food. The caffeine in tea and coffee, have astringent properties.

Should eat plenty of fluids because its deficiency leads to the formation of dense dry stools that are difficult to defecate. It is advisable to drink about one and a half liters of water a day. In the morning on an empty stomach is recommended to drink a glass of warm water to activate the work of the digestive tract. There is a need often, but in small portions. If some foods cause bloating, it is advisable to refrain from their use.

Causes of constipation lie in a sedentary lifestyle. Effective prophylactic dosage will exercise. Due to the exercise improves blood supply of the abdominal cavity, pelvis, increases peristalsis. Physical activity during pregnancy, women can engage in up to 7-8 months and it is necessary to walk throughout pregnancy. In addition, physical activity causes the formation of happiness hormones - endorphins, which are struggling with stress.

If these measures were not enough, your doctor will put the question on the use of laxatives. Only a specialist can choose the most gentle and effective medicines. Traditional laxatives pregnant take undesirable because they often cause loose stools, cramping abdominal pain, and may provoke abortion. In this situation usually prescribe drugs osmotic action - "Forlaks", "Dufalac", "Transipeg." They increase the liquid content in the intestines, resulting soften stool and defecation easier. Drugs are not absorbed in the intestine, so do not interfere with the operation of other bodies.

Tags: means, pregnancy, constipation, pregnant