How to get pregnant with twins

How to get pregnant with twins
 The birth of twins is always a heightened interest in all others. Happy parents doted in kids, strangers looking for similarities and differences, and doctors scratching their heads over this mystery of nature. Unfortunately, science has not yet found an answer to the question: how to get pregnant with twins, but female site JustLady talk about some of the factors that (yet theoretically) increase this probability.

Twins may arise in a woman's body in two ways. Identical twins are obtained when the cell divides at an early stage, the probability of their birth is about 25% of all twins. From one cell to establish two equal viable embryo, with exactly the same set of genes. Such babies even placenta may be common, they have a floor and alike.

Fraternal twins are born when two eggs are fertilized at once, they can be of different sexes and different from each other in appearance. Such twins are 75% of all twins.

How to get pregnant with twins

To datethe likelihood of twins higher than 20-30 years ago. This is due to several reasons. Modern women are more likely to give birth at a later age. Over the years, women in the blood increases the concentration of the hormone FSH, which activates the oocyte maturation. Thus, just be ready to fertilize several eggs, which significantly increasesthe likelihood of twins.

Today, many women who do not get pregnant naturally, are in the process of in vitro fertilization. In a woman's body, doctors implanted a few eggs, of which at least one, according to their calculations, should settle down. It happens that survive all and happy woman becomes a mother of several children.

Women often turn to reproductive centers for a course of hormone therapy. Increased production of follicle-stimulating hormone can cause maturation of multiple eggs, such hormonal "gift" gives additional chances of having twins.

Multiple pregnancy may be due to the use of drugs to treat infertility or discontinuation of contraceptives. The body begins to produce hormones strongly affecting ovulation, resulting inthe likelihood of twins becomes larger.

How to get pregnant with twins? Advance planning is impossible, but pay attention to your family tree. If you have a family or genus husband were cases of multiple pregnancies,the likelihood of twins in your family increases dramatically. Predisposition for such an event is inherited as a unusual gift. Moreover, the woman gave birth to twins and takeaway, with each subsequent pregnancy chances still increasing.

Previously it was thought that the power tothe likelihood of twins has no effect. However, new research has shown that the protein in the liver of animals entering the woman's body, stimulates the production of female hormones and increases the sensitivity of the ovaries. This enzyme called insulin-like growth factor - IGF, its level in the body affects the survival of the embryo in the early stages. Puzzle over the question "how to get pregnant with twins? "- Try to eat more meat and dairy products.

Pay attention to the time of year, which stands in the yard. It is believed that in the summer time activity of sex hormones increases, and this can positively affect reproductive capacity. Spend the summer with the use of, and maybe you will soon have to buy a double stroller.

For a long time the appearance of twins was considered something supernatural and unexplained. Modern science has found the answer to the phenomenon, but has not been able to answer: how can this plan? According to statistics, the twins are 1, 5% of the world's population, the largest number of twins give their husbands African women, Japanese women have twins are extremely rare. Observations show that the number of multiple births increases during the world wars and upheavals, perhaps, the very nature so worried about keeping the population on the planet.

How to get pregnant with twins

Modern expectant mothers in the seventh week can learn about the number of children expected by ultrasound and listen to heart tones. Pregnant woman waiting for twins or triplets, immediately credited female doctor consultation in a group with a higher degree of risk. It needs to be tested more often and take more examinations.

Women hatched more than one child more likely to suffer toxemia, overweight provokes varicose veins and increases the load on the heart muscle is almost four times. Mother and children may not have enough iron and other trace elements, so the consumption of healthy products should be increased at least twice.

What is thethe likelihood of twins? On average, 200 menstrual cycles comes one when a woman just two active mature egg. If pregnancy gets on this cycle, fraternal twins you provided. And the probability that fertilization occurs after its separation occurs just once at 200 cycles. In this case, you are born identical (same-sex and same appearance) twins. Concludes on a possible 100 pregnancies Multiple drops one.

 Svetlana Krutova
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: birth, hormone, twins, twin, probability, chance, twins, aromatic oils, pregnancy, age, periadneksit abortion