How to cure throat during pregnancy

How to cure throat during pregnancy
 In cold weather, the likelihood of ill pharyngitis high, especially as the body's resistance to infection during pregnancy is significantly reduced. Many pain medications are contraindicated in the throat expectant mothers, but effective folk ways to deal with the problem.
 If you have a sore throat, try gargling decoction of chamomile and calendula. It is absolutely safe for pregnant women, but quite effective means. Can be formulated herbal infusion to rinse from birch leaves, eucalyptus and sage, taken in the ratio of 1: 2: 3. Pour a tablespoon of this mixture cup boiling water, leave for 20 minutes, then strain. Please note: infusion for rinsing should not be too hot.

Doctors do not recommend that women in the "interesting situation" carried away candy from a sore throat - their composition is not always compatible with pregnancy. Also banned any means for inhalation having alcohol in the composition. The safest solution - use the "grandmother" a recipe and breathe over a saucepan of hot boiled potatoes or chamomile extract.

There is a drink that will help get rid of a sore throat not only expectant mothers, but also to those who frequent colds. To make it, mix a teaspoon of syrup rose, 2 tablespoons of beet juice and yogurt. Perhaps, this drink is not too pleasant to the taste, but it is very effective in the treatment of pharyngitis and tonsillitis. It is useful to take it before going to bed, already in bed.

All known means of combating the common cold - hot tubs, but during the childbearing are contraindicated. There is a risk of causing uterine contractions, which in turn can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Even if such does not happen in any case, there will be filling the veins of the lower extremities with blood, and it provokes varicose veins, often found in pregnant women.

However, expectant mothers are not prohibited soar hands under the tap with hot water - this is an excellent remedy for sore throat and runny nose. In addition, it is useful dry heat: Wrap throat woolen scarf, wear warm pajamas and go to bed. Perhaps in the morning you do not think about the pain in my throat.

If you are concerned hoarseness, coughing, plaque on the tonsils, fever up to 38 degrees and above, as well as signs of intoxication (fever, vomiting, headache), you should immediately consult a doctor. Only a specialist can properly diagnose your condition and prescribe the effective and safe treatment.

Tags: throat, pregnancy, colds, pain, pharyngitis, pregnant, treatment, medication