How to calculate when you can get pregnant

How to calculate when you can get pregnant
 Waiting for the baby will be a joyous occasion, especially if the child is welcome. Therefore, when planning a pregnancy, a woman should know how we can determine the optimum time for conception.  
 Around the middle of the menstrual cycle is the most favorable period of time for conception. At this point, ready to fertilize the egg is released from the ovary - ovulation occurs. There are several ways to define it.

Calendar method is suitable for women who have menstrual cycle is regular. Its duration is determined by counting the number of days from the beginning of the month in the last month prior to the beginning of the current. The optimal time for conception occurs approximately in the middle of the cycle, plus or minus three days to the resulting number. As with irregular cycle number of days between periods is obtained is always different, then count the beginning of ovulation will not succeed.

Moment for successful conception can determine if the daily measure the temperature in the rectum conventional thermometer. It is important to take measurements immediately after waking up, getting out of bed, the same thermometer. Around the middle of the cycle basal temperature will first drop, and then starts to increase. It was during this period of time between a recession and a rise in temperature, ovulation occurs. The method is accurate if all the conditions in the measurement of basal body temperature.

Another method - a method of checking the cervical mucus. As a rule, before ovulation cervical mucus becomes clear, stretchy like egg white and can be stretched between two fingers up to 10 cm. This method of comparing the daily discharge makes it quite accurately determine the release of an egg.

Each pharmacy selling tests to determine urinary lyuteotropina - ovarian hormone that triggers ovulation. The tests were conducted in six days before the expected date of ovulation. When you receive a positive test result is stopped, since the egg leaves the follicle in the coming days.

With a very high probability of ovulation can determine follikulometriya - monitoring of follicle where the egg is developing, with the help of ultrasound. Monitoring and its timing appoint a gynecologist.

These methods can be combined with each other. This will provide the result that even in the case when one of the methods was performed correctly.

Tags: time, pregnancy, ovulation, definition, conception, method