How to approach the conception of the child

How to approach the conception of the child
 So we was done on the halcyon days of his carefree youth, a family and get enough enjoyment out of life together. And now yearn to the house there was a third man, whose existence in this world will entirely depend on mom and dad. Child ... This is an incredible miracle that completely changes our life, miracle, filling it with new meaning and makes the world to shine and sparkle with new colors. And to create it, of course, must be approached carefully and deliberately. The fact that you need to take in order to conceive a healthy and happy child, said today women's online magazine JustLady.

Conceiving a child. Planning

Many Eastern scholars argue that the soul of the future child is none other than the creation of feelings experienced by his parents at the time of conception. If a child conceived in love, harmony and joy, it is born bright, optimistic, and will live a long, full of happy moments of life. And ifconceiving a child occurred in malice, hatred or because of self-interest, it will be melancholic, prone to sadness or loneliness, and the fate awaits him cheerless. Like it or not, is not known, but it would be better if we accept these statements at face value. After all, we want your children to only happiness, but it is - a piece ephemeral, no one knows what rules to obey. Therefore, try to do everything to ensure that our baby was expecting a joyful life. And come to conceive a child with love, consciously and diligently.

The birth of a healthy baby after uncomplicated pregnancy - a problem whose solution depends not only on women but also on men. Therefore, to prepare for the conception of the child must both spouses. In general, pregnancy planning begins with a visit to the gynecologist, who must examine the future mother, to find out whether she had some health problems and write out directions to the appropriate examination andanalyzes. After gynecologist is advisable to visit a therapist, so he spent the diagnosis and treatment of chronic diseases, if any. In the event that a family of a woman or man has some hereditary diseases, they need to consult a physician-geneticist, who will conduct a survey to determine the presence of genetic abnormalities.

Women intending to become pregnant, it is advisable to make a general and biochemical blood tests, urinalysis, blood tests and swabs for sexually transmitted diseases, blood sugar and pelvic ultrasound, which determines the state of the uterus and ovaries. In that case, if it was an irregular menstrual cycle or miscarriages occur before, physicians prescribe analysis determines whether the sex hormones, thyroid hormones and adrenal and so on. In addition, both spouses need to take a blood test to determine her group and Rh factor.

For several months prior to conception expectant mother should be measured so-called basal body temperature - the temperature of the body in the rectum, mouth or vagina. I measure it in the morning, not getting up and opening his eyes, as bright light increases the release of hormones and may alter the true value of the temperature. Thermometer hold for five minutes. His testimony is marked on the chart, which will then show the gynecologist so that he can determine if a woman's health any violations. If there is none, this schedule can be accurately set the days on which conception is most likely.

Another aspect of mandatory planning pregnancy - a few months before conceiving need to be vaccinated against diphtheria, tetanus, influenza, hepatitis B and rubella if a woman she was not hurt. After all of the above is done, you can proceed to the next stage - the immediate preparation for conception.

How to approach the conception of the child

Preparing for conception

Direct preparation for conception begins in three to four months before the proposed date of pregnancy to conceive. And the husband and wife, it is desirable at this time not to drink alcohol in large quantities, do not take any drugs unless they are prescribed by a doctor, gynecologist, and as little as possible to smoke. In addition, both should reduce coffee consumption to a minimum, do not go to saunas and baths, do not take a hot bath and eat as many fruits and vegetables.

And his wife, and the husband would be appropriate all the time to take extra vitamin complex - it will help the couple get healthy as soon as possible to conceive a child. This complex includes vitamins groups A, E, B, C, iron, selenium, iodine. Men are particularly useful calcium, zinc and vitamins E, B12 and D. The future mother for three months before the intended conceiving a child should start drinkingvitaminsContaining folic acid. They significantly reduce the risk of various pathologies of the fetus.

A woman should take care of your body, because he has to withstand heavy loads. Start doing regular exercises or to perform physical exercise, more sleep and a lot of walking. Eat quality, including in your diet as much meat, fish, dairy and grain products, eggs, vegetable oil, fresh fruit and vegetables, nuts, seeds. We try to use as little as possible of soy foods as soy reduces fertility. Malnutrition, strict diets are not permitted at this time! Overeating is also adversely affects the rate of conception, and further pregnancies.

After previously scheduled period of conception occurred, forget about contraceptives and make every effort to ensure that the pregnancy appeared. Do not worry if the first attempt did not work. Doctors say that healthy couples having sex two to three times a week, for conception is required from a month to a year. He may prevent stress, the recent appointment of hormonal contraceptive pills, lifestyle change, and so on. In the event that after this period the pregnancy has not occurred yet, you need to see a gynecologist, to help determine the cause of this situation and eliminate it. Today, medicine has a lot of tools to help couples find in the house is desired happiness - their own baby.

And finally - when planning a child, discard all the negative thoughts and completely surrender to love. After all, only it makes our children happy and healthy!

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: conception