Gymnastics for children under one year

 Gymnastics for toddlers up to a year is very important. Gymnastic exercises help to strengthen the cardiovascular system, the development of muscles, breathing and overall health of the child.

Rash in an infant

Gymnastics begin to spend 1, 5-2 months. The right time for the gym is 30 minutes before a meal, or through 1-1, 5:00 after. For the duration of the first lessons are 5-7 minutes, gradually reaching up to 10-15 minutes and can be carried out 2 times a day, or even more. The room should be well ventilated, the optimum temperature for lessons + 21 ° C.Gymnastics for toddlers up to a year be carried out in one and the same time to become accustomed to the child mode of the day. It is important to the overall health of the child. If the baby during exercise is starting to show its unwillingness to do gymnastics, which is expressed by crying, shielding hands, or is he just acting up and knocks the legs, the exercise should be stopped. All of this occurs when the child is sleepy, hungry, or it just is not set up to work. In this case, the gym should be postponed until such time until the baby calms down.

Gymnastics for children under one yearAnd particularly from 1, 5 to 4 months, based on the unconditioned reflex. First held light stroking over his body. Next stroking feet, causing straightening the legs and finger movements. An important exercise is putting some baby on his stomach. It helps to strengthen the neck muscles that help the child better keep your head. Caution should be used to the exercises associated with flexion and extension of the limbs. Excessive manipulation can cause muscle strain.
Since 3 months already, you can gradually start doing the exercises associated with crossing arms and legs, stretching muscles and back. Spread on the child's back. And keep your feet slightly pressed against the stomach. On the one hand we put the baby belly and the other keeps feet and give the child a hand to touch the table and even a little stand. The same we make when the baby is lying on his back. Only here the child touches the table head. Closer to 6 months will be useful exercise to stimulate crawling. This can help in many ways to use during exercise brightest and favorite toys.

Gymnastics for children under one year

Gymnastics for toddlers up to a yearWith children 6-10 months should be accompanied by speech. This will contribute to the development of speech. The main focus in this period is given exercise to stimulate crawling. Adult pushes the baby's legs, and he tightens them. Already be for a short time to start the child sits. Very quickly children learn turns his back on his stomach and back.
When the child reaches 10 months introduced exercises such as squats and torso. Very interesting for the baby will exercise to conquer any hill. When a child climbs and descends from the hills. Engage the child in need to climb under something and climb on anything. For a child will be interesting if these exercises will pass in the form of games. If the child still does not go, then we can be like together. To do this, put it on your legs and keeping the shoulders go a short distance.

Gymnastics for children under one yearDaily and systematic certainly have a positive result. Gymnastics, we lay the foundation for a child's health for the rest of his future life.

 Afonaseva Natalia
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: baby, gymnastics, legs, child, strengthening