Getting rid of the protein in the urine during pregnancy

Getting rid of the protein in the urine during pregnancy
 During pregnancy, all body systems women undergoing global changes, large load tests primarily urogenital system. It is therefore important to monitor urine test to timely detect the first signs of the disease, which may adversely affect the course and outcome of pregnancy.
 In the urine of healthy human protein is present in small amounts or absent. Increasing protein in the urine during pregnancy indicates that the urinary system is an inflammatory process. The pregnant patient should be fully examined and, if necessary, hospitalized for treatment.

Doctor will prescribe medications that will help get rid of the protein in the urine during pregnancy and cure disease begins. Do not neglect the recommendations of the doctor to avoid complications.

A balanced diet can get rid of protein in the urine during pregnancy. First of all, should be excluded from the diet of salty, fried and smoked food. Should give preference to natural products, steamed, stewed or baked in the oven or Aerogrill.

The consumption of salt at elevated protein in urine should be minimized. Vegetables, meat and fish are composed of a sufficient amount of salt necessary to the body. Compliance bezsolevoy diet can significantly improve the condition of the pregnant patient.

To maintain normal kidney function must be sufficient drinking. Number of daily fluid intake should be determined by the attending physician. Excess water may cause undesirable swelling, particularly in the second half of pregnancy.

In diseases of the urinary system is useful to drink fresh cranberry juice or cranberries. It is important to drink a day not more than two glasses of juice. Diuretic teas with increased protein in the urine prescribed by the physician.

It will be appreciated that the protein in the urine can appear at the wrong assembly assay. Need to urinate after careful genital hygiene, utensils must be clean and dry. With abundant vaginal discharge is recommended to use a tampon.

Tags: pregnancy, protein