Folic acid and pregnancy
Folic acid (vitamin B9 that is) is essential during pregnancy. This vitamin is involved in the metabolism, helps to form the immunity is required for proper operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Folic acid is so important for pregnant women because it participates in the formation of the neural tube of the fetus and plays an important role in the formation of the placenta. If pregnancy in women there is a lack of folic acid, it can affect the nervous system of the child. Increases the risk of anencephaly, hydrocephalus, and mental and physical development of the child may be delayed. In addition, the lack of this vitamin can lead to premature termination of pregnancy, as well as to placental insufficiency. If an adult should receive 200 micrograms a day of folic acid, the pregnant woman is at a dose twice - 400 micrograms per day.
In this way,Folic acid and pregnancy - These are things that must accompany each other. Studies have shown that a daily intake of folic acid daily dose needed a pregnant woman can prevent a variety of neural tube defects of the fetus. Additionally, this vitamin nerves contribute to the formation of the fetus. No less important is the fact that folic acid helps prevent premature births. Therefore Journal JustLady urges expectant mothers - do not ignore the advice of doctors, because it is essential that the woman started taking folic acid even in the early stages.
Folic acid when planning pregnancy
Experts recommend folic acid not only pregnant women, but also for those who are planning a child. Note thatfolic acid when planning pregnancy is extremely important, and you need to take it on a daily basis. You will achieve maximum efficiency of this vitamin, if you start to take it before conception. Keep in mind that if a woman is to delay the taking of folic acid until it is convinced that she is pregnant, it can have serious consequences. Maximum efficiency reaches this vitamin in combination with vitamin B12 and vitamin C.
The main source of vitamin B9 - this meal. Also a lot of it in beans, green peas, parsley, lettuce, spinach. Are also rich in folic acid citrus fruit and their juices, avocado, asparagus. This vitamin is present in the liver and in a smaller amount - in cheese, meat and fish. Journal JustLady already noted, it is very importantfolic acid when planning pregnancy and when the pregnancy itself, so try to eat more of these foods. But if you do not use them regularly, then you need to take extra folic acid and vitamin tablets. Moreover, the need for this vitamin can be increased due to ingestion of certain drugs.
The dosage of folic acid
As already mentioned, pregnancy dosage per day of folic acid should not be less than 400 mg, but if a woman deficiency of this vitamin, then it requires a large dose, to compensate for it. Because the neural tube is formed on the fetus during the period from 16 to 28 days after conception occurred, a woman may not know she was pregnant and did not take vitamin B9, it is prescribed even when planning a pregnancy. The most important thing - to take this vitamin in the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Many women are afraid of an overdose of folic acid. JustLady hastens to reassure you: this is extremely rare, and only if you specify the purpose anddosage will exceed the rate of many times - for example, if you take a day to a few dozen tablets. In other cases, the vitamin itself eliminated from the body, can not hurt. However, like many other drugs, because of folic acid may be an allergic reaction.
Please note that this vitamin is essential and breastfeeding, whiledosage is 300 micrograms per day. You can not take vitamin separately, but as part of a multivitamin. This is very useful for most mothers, and for her baby. Do not worry about the overdose, it will not affect your baby. Even if your daily dose of 1,000 mg, the excessfolic acid simply put out of your body. For a child is no danger of it is not. If the mother or expectant mother is a shortage of vitamin, then the dosage can be 2-3 tablets a day.
Folic acid - it is so important vitamin that even the staunchest opponents of drugs do not deny its importance in pregnancy. Journal JustLady advises you not to abandon this vitamin, even if you do not want to take anything "extra" during pregnancy. Remember that folic acid will protect both you and your child a lot of trouble!
Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady