Fetal development by week

Fetal development by week
 As many as nine months separates the new life inside the nascent women from birth. All this time in a woman's body takes a lot of work: the baby grows from several clusters of cells to a full little man, able to see, hear, taste, touch. In short, a man who is ready to assimilate the many skills and obtaining new information. Just imagine that every minute of the developing fetus appears 250 new brain cells, and thus fetal development - an ongoing within 9 months process. His first knowledge of this world kid gets in the womb ...

The duration of the physiological process, such as pregnancy, is measured differently. How is it? But what about the 9 months "- can ask a girl not yet know the joy of motherhood. The fact that conventional 9 months - is a convenient to refer to a life term, close to the actual duration of the pregnancy. In medical practice, it is necessary to more accurately measure the duration of pregnancy, so it is usually measured in weeks - a more accurate measure of which allows you to define the most important stagesfetal development.

Physiological pregnancy (ie, one that proceeds normally) develops 40 weeks (norm - 38-42). In addition to measuring in weeks, pregnancy is measured in obstetric months, one month is 28 calendar days. If we measure the pregnancy obstetric months, it lasts 10 months (280 days). Pregnancy count from the first day of the last menstrual period. Women's magazine tells its readers JustLady - expectant mothers about how thefetal development.

Describingdevelopment of the fetus in the womb, JustLady will focus on what is most important for the development of the viability of the child are just the first few weeks. Therefore it is very important that the expectant mother take care of themselves, of their psychological and physical health, and, of course, to protect themselves from all the factors that may have an adverse effect on the child.

Fetal development by week

4 weeks (the first month of pregnancy)
During this period, the fetus are formed limb of the internal organs, and usually starts beating heart of a child, but this time limit can not be registered cardiac activity. It is also the formation of the neural tube, i.e. the future spinal cord.

8 weeks
On this term fetal development its length is about 15 mm, and weight - about '13 begins to form the skeleton, of course. Hands and feet to take shape. During this period, the kidneys begin to function, and stomach and liver produce juice. At the head equal to the length of the trunk, buds visible mouth, nose and eyes. Begin to form genitals. The body of the child in this period has already been formed - it has all the bodies, some of which are already working. At this period the woman begins to feel symptoms of pregnancy: a light morning sickness, breast swelling, increase in body temperature.

12 weeks
At this stage development of the child in the womb there is a connection between nerve cells and muscles, the latter is already beginning to work. Arms and legs completely formed. The child becomes active and so a woman can already feel its movement. Toddler activities in this period depends on the mother when she is sitting, he is calm; moves - and it is more active. Also, the child develops the sense of smell, touch, sense of balance. Fetal weight is 48 g, length - 8-9 cm.

16 weeks
The child is very active, very sensitive to the emotional state of the mother, her mood, feeling her heart rate acceleration. At this stage of the mother can affect the mood of your baby. Women's magazine JustLady advises you: more talk with the child and themselves try not to worry and not to worry. The baby at 16 weeks ossified skull shaped face, muscular system, the girls improved genitals. Formed parts of the brain. The child's weight - 120-180 g, length - 13, 5 cm. This term can already clearly distinguish the baby's gender.

Twentieth Week
At the twentieth week the baby begins to grow eyelashes, hair and nails. By the way, modern research has argued that at 5 months of pregnancy the baby is already distinguish sounds. His movements are meaningful. Another interesting fact is that the baby distinguishes the taste of amniotic fluid: if they are to his taste, he is drinking, and if they are sour or bitter, he stops drinking. Mom can talk to your baby, sing it. Want to calm him - JustLady advises you often tell him something gentle, sincere and pleasant.

At this stagefetal development baby's skin (she reddish) covered with down. The woman feels stronger fetal movement, his heartbeat is heard clearly. Sebaceous glands secrete a fatty substance that, when mixed with flakes of the epidermis forms syrovidnuyu grease.

24 weeks
The child's weight - 600-800 g, length - 30 cm. The internal organs are completely developed. In very rare cases, children born at the end of 6 months, survive.

28 weeks
The baby's heartbeat is 120-130 beats per minute. Its length - 32-35 cm, weight - 1000-1500, the nasal and ear cartilage soft, nails do not fully cover the fingertips. At 28 weeks the baby is considered premature, but it can survive with timely assistance and Proper care. Before delivery the baby grows, accumulating fatty tissue, his nervous system continues to improve.

32 weeks
The baby is head down. Function of internal organs improved child can open their eyes. At the end of the eighth month of the child's length is 40-45 cm, weight - 1500-2200, the child is born viable.

Week 36
Natal development of the child is nearing the finish line. The child becomes less mobile, because he simply has nowhere to go. The skin becomes smooth and pink. Nose and ear cartilage becomes more dense, nails grow at the tips of the fingers. Formation of internal organs is completed, they are fully functional.

38-40 weeks (10 months of pregnancy)
A full-term baby who has everything necessary for independent living.

Women's magazine JustLady notes thatfetal development has an individual difference. That is, most importantly, to the development of the baby does not go beyond the norm.

 Alice Terentyeva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Film, pregnancy, period, development, womb, fetus, baby, body, illustration, formation, stage