Drugs to help get pregnant: djufaston

Drugs to help get pregnant: djufaston
 Duphaston - a pill to stimulate fertilization and further penetration of the ovum into the uterine lining. Basis of preparation - the hormones that affect oocyte maturation and fertilization further.

How to get pregnant? Hormone helps!

It is believed that it is better not djufaston less popular among those who want to become pregnant utrogestan because of the Djufastona include hormones produced naturally. The main active ingredient tablets that help to get pregnant - the female sex hormone progesterone. It is produced by many internal organs. However, especially a lot of it occurs in the placenta, so called hormone progesterone and pregnancy. It is the presence in the body of sufficient progesterone ovulation, fertilization and implantation of the ovum.

If a woman wants to get pregnant, it is necessary to normalize the levels of the hormone progesterone in the body. Drink djufaston necessary if pregnancy does not occur due to diseases such as endometriosis and dysmenorrhea, luteal phase deficiency (this failure of the ovaries, because of which the fertilized egg can not attach to the endometrium or joins him not firmly) or uterine bleeding. If the cause of infertility in another (for example, the cause may be a breach in the cervical canal or cyst) djufaston not help.

How to drink djufaston? All individually!

Before prescribing the expectant mother djufaston gynecologist will surely send it to the laboratory blood tests to clarify the amount of the hormone progesterone. Based on the test results the doctor individually calculate the optimal dosage and effective plan of treatment. It will be appreciated that an excess of progesterone in the body is also impossible to conceive.

Djufaston taken orally (in the mouth), as the drug has a high absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.

 Side effects in the treatment of Duphaston resemble symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. This fatigue, weakness and drowsiness. A woman can become nervous, worry and upset almost "from scratch." However, much depends on the individual.

During the reception Djufastona should be regularly tested individual tolerability medication. First of all it is necessary to follow the changes of the mammary glands and do a mammogram. It is also necessary to remember that during the first months of taking the drug are bleeding.

Within two to three hours after eating djufaston has the largest concentration in the blood.

Most often, the treatment is carried out djufaston continuously for three to eight consecutive cycles. Physicians are also advised to continue to drink djufaston before the twentieth week of pregnancy. The drug has no adverse effects on the fetus.

Tags: tablet basis, the hormone progesterone, a drug djufaston