Method 1: You need a good sleep up to 10 hours a day.
Method 2: walk in the fresh air as much as possible. In a stuffy room nausea may increase.
Method 3: need to eat small, frequent meals. Food should be warm. Eliminate from your diet smoked, salted, chocolate and baking, soft drinks, canned food, fatty and spicy foods. Eat more salads, dried fruit, wholemeal bread, eggs, whole grain cereals. So you establish the bowels.
You can not starve yourself! Always keep a light yogurt or crackers.
Method 4: Drink plenty of fluids. Brew yourself broth hips and chamomile, fruit drinks, tea with lemon, alkaline mineral water without gas. Ginger tea also helps with nausea.
Method 5: Drink prenatal vitamins. They will boost your immune system and improve overall health.
6. The method of doing morning exercises, special exercises for pregnant women.
Method 7: In the morning you can not get out of bed sharply. Need to lie down for another 10-20 minutes. You can eat a piece of bread or crackers. So you tell your morning sickness.
Method 8: Try to avoid unpleasant smells and you places where smoking. Do not use perfume with a pungent odor.
Method 9. Many help with nausea sour fruit. Kiwi fruit, unsweetened apple and lemon.